Monday, March 17, 2025

The “Gates” Of Hell Is Filled With Mosquitos

Bill Gates and his mysterious foundation are still working in the shadows, and once again, it involves a “plandemic.” Gates loves to come off as a great philanthropist, and I’m sure he has done some good things, but that’s the perfect way to deceive. Blend some good in with the bad and keep highlighting the good while you keep hiding the bad. The veil of secrecy surrounding Gates’ activities only adds to the intrigue and suspicion.

Gates has made no secret of his belief that the world’s population needs to be drastically reduced. He has also made strange references to pandemic planning in the past, and he is at it again. This time, it seems he is again greasing the rails for something else. Call it disease X or, most recently, “Bird Flu” or a combination of both, the globalist puppeteers are definitely planning something.

Under the guise of doing something commendable, Gates, who once created viruses for computers so he could charge users for the cure, appears to have advanced to assisting big pharma and globalists in doing the same thing to humanity. This manipulation of public perception is a clear call for a critical assessment of Gates’ initiatives.

Gates’ newest sleight of hand involves the “world’s deadliest animal.” No, it isn’t the grizzly bear, polar bear, lion, or tiger; it’s the mosquito. Gates is now farming, or more correctly, mass breeding, mosquitoes.

Gates’ latest venture involves the mass breeding of mosquitoes, a project based in Medellín, Colombia. The aim is to combat diseases like dengue fever, a noble cause on the surface. However, despite assurances from Gates and experts, there are skeptics. They question the motives behind the genetically modified mosquitoes, suggesting that Gates’s intentions may not be purely altruistic. Is this initiative truly a medical innovation, or is there a hidden agenda?

Claims have been made linking Bill Gates’s interest in mosquito farming to a potential future mosquito-borne pandemic. A video from the Bill Gates YouTube account showcases the mosquito breeding center in Medellín, Colombia, where scientists work long hours in muggy labs breeding millions of mosquitoes.

Gates asserts that this project aims to “outsmart the world’s deadliest animal.” A three-part blog post outlines the reasoning behind his World Mosquito Program.

“They tend to the insects’ every need as they grow from larvae to pupae to adults, keeping the temperature just right and feeding them generous helpings of fishmeal, sugar, and, of course, blood.”

You have to wonder if anyone would cooperate with such a plan if it were anyone other than Gates. The plan is to release industrially produced mosquitoes across Colombia so they can breed with wild mosquitoes.

However, there are growing concerns about Gates’s intentions. People are questioning why a tech billionaire, who is so interested in deadly viruses, would want to be involved in farming mosquitoes. Critics argue that the implementation of such a program, regardless of its potential benefits, indicates a sinister ulterior motive.

After the wildly exaggerated Wuhan lab leak “plandemic,” the idea of farming mosquitoes and trusting Gates to execute it for the benefit of mankind seems illogical. The controversy is also growing due to conflicting media reports. One report claimed:

“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation does not fund any projects involving the release of modified mosquitoes in the U.S.’ Additionally, experts have stated that the mosquitoes being used for the initiative in Florida are not capable of transmitting malaria.”

Notice that the report suggests that Gates’s mosquito farm is non-existent, while also acknowledging the harmless nature of mosquitoes used in the alleged farm. These contradictions spark suspicion regarding the project and its potential impact.

Gates’s partners include George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and others. They are all Globalists who promote a massive reduction in the world population and a one-world government.

I wouldn’t trust any of them with a pet snake far less billions of mosquitoes and the future of the world.