Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Next Line in the Sand for President Trump’s America First Supporters

Apathetic Americans are Passive Observers to the Death of Democracy

On May 30th, President Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in one of the most rigged, corrupt trials in history.

And patriotic Americans did nothing.

Yeah, they were outraged and poured a record $53 million into Trump’s campaign in one day, but considering the damage to our system of justice, giving Trump the money to run more campaign ads just doesn’t seem like it’s enough.

The Left’s Incursion Moves Steadily Forward

Trump’s conviction is just the latest in a series of ever bolder attempts to silence the opposition, which is a significant component of the left’s aggressive effort to gain authoritarian control of America.

They have continuously probed with ever greater and more outlandish schemes designed to diminish our freedoms, rescind our constitutional rights and deprive us of the right to free and honest elections.

Let’s look at a brief history:

Russian collusion: The fake Russian collusion scandal began with an investigation started in 2015, when U.S. Intelligence agencies discovered a Kremlin-linked company purportedly planning to interfere in the 2016 election. From there, an elaborate scheme by Clinton Democrats emerged, designed to take down Trump. Lee Smith from RealClear Investigations summed it up this way:

The first line of evidence includes emails, texts, and memos recently turned over to Congress by the Department of Justice. They show how closely senior Justice Department officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked with employees of Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm reportedly paid $1 million by Clinton operatives to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

The stink from this scandal can never come clean despite the mostly successful effort by the leftist media to sweep it under the carpet, and its impact cannot be overstated. Trump was under constant harassment by Robert Mueller and his partisan hack lawyers. The Justice Department’s Inspector General found 17 instances where the FBI deceived the FISA Court for the purpose of surveilling Trump in hopes of digging up any kind of dirt to prevent him from taking office or force him to resign if elected.

Let’s not sugarcoat this: It was a silent coup attempt, and no one went to jail over it. Not a single person. Even worse, the left learned that if they were caught conducting nefarious activities to undermine democracy, there would be no consequences.

And they were emboldened.

Election Rigging: The 2020 election was filled with so many irregularities it justified a comprehensive investigation at the national level.Without rehashing the details, there were reports of drop box stuffing, lost ballot chain of custody, ballots run through machines multiple times, EMS database erasures, and a host of other issues that pointed to ill intent or gross incompetence. If you’re looking for substantiation, I suggest the Halderman Report, the peer reviewed study by John Lott and the latest report on voting machine manipulation in Arizona by Ben Cotton.

Honestly, you really don’t need to go past those three documents to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the 2020 election was rigged.

Yet, what was the consequence of the rigging?

Nothing. Except for the ridicule, scorn and indictments that followed for anyone of influence who dared question the veracity of that election.

Lawfare: To date, President Trump has been the target of at least six lawfare cases designed to cripple his ability to campaign as the presumptive presidential nominee for the Republican party. None of the cases have merit, and everyone knows it, including the leftists behind them, but none of that matters. Cunning leftist strategists figured out that Trump’s business dealings and his time in the White House placed him in jurisdictions populated by the most rabid, anti-American zealots in the country. So, it was only a matter of time before leftist prosecutors, judges and juries teamed up to attack Trump in an effort to destroy his businesses and put him behind bars.

It was startling to watch each of the cases emerge but more appalling to witness the apathetic response that followed from MAGA supporters. You would think the leaders of the movement would have learned in 2020 that writing a $20 check and wearing a Trump t-shirt at a rally wasn’t going to cut it in 2024. Our opponents are shifty, devious and cunning, and they don’t play by the rules.

One can’t help but wonder just how far MAGA supporters can be pushed until the rubber band snaps. Each time MAGA has drawn a line in the sand, leftists have crossed it. They were warned of the consequences of indicting Trump, and they ignored it. They were warned of the repercussions of convicting him on bogus charges of business impropriety. They ignored that too and fined him half a billion dollars.

And thus, we come to the latest line the left crossed. Convicting Trump of fake criminal charges in a torturous, convoluted case of a hush money payment allegedly entered under an incorrect bookkeeping ledger heading.

As it stands, President Donald Trump is a convicted felon. If there was ever going to be a significant blowback on the scale we see when leftists become outraged, you would have thought it would happen when the verdict was announced in the Bragg/Merchan kangaroo court trial.

I waited… I reached out to find out when the protests were scheduled around the country, but all I got back was crickets.

The Dallas County Republican Party: Crickets

The Cook County Republican Party (Chicago): Crickets

The Washington D.C. Republican Party: Crickets

The New York County Republican Party: Crickets

The Maricopa County Republican Party (Phoenix): Crickets

To their credit, the Pima County Republican Party (Tucson), actually did provide the courtesy of a response:

“Good afternoon. Instead of protests, we will be showing support of President Trump. Here is an event Pima County Republican Party is in process of organizing:”

Let’s get real: In the face of the most egregious miscarriage of justice in American history, and the obvious weaponization of our previously sacrosanct federal law enforcement and justice system, American patriots are missing in action.

The next line in the sand? A prison term for Trump.

I’m not sure if even radical, woke leftist Judge Juan Merchan has the huevos to sentence Trump to prison, but if the polls don’t move enough in senile Biden’s favor between now and the July 11th sentencing, I wouldn’t put it past him.

You see, the left increasingly views us as a paper tiger, too comfortable in our cosmopolitan lifestyle to risk losing our conveniences and going to jail in the name of a cause, even if it’s saving America. They made January 6th a spectacle for a reason. The left won’t tolerate peaceful protests on behalf of patriotic causes. In fact, they don’t want any kind of public display that might be newsworthy, and January 6th sent a strong message about what could happen to you if you get too far out of line.

But the question still remains: If Trump gets time, what then, America First? Move the line yet again?