Sunday, October 06, 2024

Adventures in Clown World: July 2024

July 2024 was one of the most unbelievable months in the history of the long-running “Adventures in Clown World” series here on RVIVR. The month of July saw several notable events—including the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, the historic 2024 Republican National Convention, and the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Because we live in “Clown World”, we all know that these events were going to have some mention in this month’s edition of the “Adventures in Clown World” series. Without further ado, let’s dive right into this month’s content!

#1 CNN & MSNBC confronted at RNC for inciting violence against President Trump

The 2024 Republican National Convention was undoubtedly one of the most high-profile political conventions in recent memory. Nearly every major international and national news agency covered this historic four-day convention in the battleground state of Wisconsin.

Of course, “fake news” outlets CNN and MSNBC were in attendance during the RNC. However, there were two notable interactions between Conservative figures and CNN/MSNBC.

During Day 1 of the RNC, Donald Trump Jr. called out a MSNBC reporter for dishonestly attacking President Trump’s immigration policies. Then on Day 2, journalist Laura Loomer confronted CNN political commentator Jake Tapper for his anti-Trump rhetoric in the wake of the assassination attempt on President Trump.

#2 The Olympics’ Blasphemous Opening Ceremony

The organizers of the 2024 Paris Olympics openly hate Christians. In a shocking display of anti-Christian bigotry, the opening ceremony of the Olympic games featured a blasphemous depiction of the Last Supper.

Conservative social media users have expressed widespread dissatisfaction with the Olympics’ organizers. In fact, many people have boycotted the Olympics over this anti-Christian presentation.

#3 Leftists Conspiracies about the Trump assassination attempt

The madness of the modern American far-left knows no bounds. After the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life earlier this month, radical leftists took to social media to share their thoughts about the assassination attempt. As shown in the screenshots below, numerous left-wing extremists claimed that the assassination attempt was “staged” despite ZERO evidence for their claim.

President Trump nearly died, and we have prominent of the Regime-backed media like Joy Reid conjuring up blatant lies about the former President’s near-death experience. Only in “Clown world” is this level of insanity allowed to exist.

We live in troubling times. But at some point, we have to sit back and laugh at the ongoing “Clown Show”.