Sunday, February 23, 2025

Biden’s Out, Endorses Chuckles, Start The Circus Music

If this weren’t so sad, it would be hilarious. It’s unbelievable that in just 75 days, an election for the President of the United States will be held, and one party is so delusional that they have a mentally incapacitated incumbent candidate who will stumble and mumble to the end of his term but isn’t running for re-election. It feels like something out of the twilight zone.

The “Demorats” convention starts on August 19th. Be ready for something that resembles a cross between a circus and a cage match. It will be simultaneously entertaining, infuriating, and nauseating. They’ll try to sugarcoat everything, but the truth is their party is destroying America, and all they’re looking for is the next puppet.

The “Demorat” bench is extremely weak, and worse yet, they don’t like each other. Brain Dead Biden has said he is backing Chuckles Harris, who would love to enhance her resume from “disastrous V.P.” to “catastrophic president,” but has a snowball chance in hell of fulfilling that fantasy.

Meanwhile, some people believe that the “Wicked Witch Hillary” is dusting off her broom for another pitiful night ride. Unfortunately for her, nobody elects an old cobra that spits nothing but venom and has so much baggage that her broom may never get off the ground.

Next is the slick hairpiece from California, Gavin Newsome. Here is a man who has brought depravity, homelessness, and suffering upon millions of people in the state that he governs. Businesses and private citizens are leaving the state as fast as they can. Even Elon Musk is leaving California for Texas. Newsome is an empty shell that can be filled with whatever the radical left injects into him. He has no soul; he is a political user who wants desperately to be cool.

Last but certainly not least is laughably what the Demorats consider their secret weapon. Yes, indeed, it’s Big Mike, Michelle Obama. What makes this so exceptionally disgusting is that Big Mike has no experience whatsoever. That said, she has two things going for her that make liberals salivate. First and foremost, her last name is Obama. To Demorats, that is the same as having Lou Gehrig’s wife running. Never mind that she can’t hit a curve ball or even see a fastball; she has the name, so she must be OK.  Secondly, Big Mike is black. For liberals who live for playing the race card, this is heaven.

For those of you who are thinking, wait, Chuckles is black and more female than Big Mike, doesn’t that make her more viable? The answer is No. She doesn’t have the name, and at least Big Mike can go more than 20 seconds without laughing like a hyena.

Having said all of this, the bottom line is that this is a test of the American Public, even though the Democratic party is in shambles. If the American public falls for whatever the Demorats roll out, it would be a sad commentary on the state of the American people.

Biden was “selected,” not “elected,” for office, and the results have been disastrous. The American public must take stock of the fact that every time a Demorat is elected, another American Value and Moral dies. They are all operating under an agenda that has nothing to do with keeping America safe or the greatest country in the world. In fact, by weakening America, it promotes a global world government, which they want.

I’m aware that Trump can be abrasive, but frankly, the chip on his shoulder is welcome at this time. Biden is burnt out and doesn’t care what happens; Trump, on the other hand, still deeply loves America. Is he gruff at times? Yes. Is he bravado at times? Yes. However, he loves this country, and he could see what was happening years ago.

This election is literally the defining election for this nation. Let the left keep digging; it won’t help them. Biden dropped out drooling; Trump narrowly missed being killed maintaining democracy. He is here because of divine intervention, something the left doesn’t believe in. He knows business, negotiation, and how to attack what is wrong with the country. He is detail-oriented, and hidden things don’t escape his scrutiny. Most important, he loves us, and he loves America.

The country needs Trump. I pray that we can keep cheating out of this election; if we don’t, we are only cheating ourselves.

God Bless America!