Thursday, October 17, 2024

Joe Biden and the Hypocrisy of Wealthy Democrat Donors

Wealthy Democrat donors more or less forced President Joe Biden to exit the 2024 presidential race.

What one thing can we learn from this that corporate media will never tell us?

Liberals, when they spend THEIR money, want results. 

And then there’s you.

You send your hard-earned money to the IRS. Liberal politicians take that money and spend it on things they would never spend their own money on. 

Liberals, when they spend YOUR money, don’t give a damn about results. They only care about buying votes and appeasing various constituencies. 

Before I continue, allow me to quote the late, great economist Milton Friedman not once, but twice:

• “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”

• “I can spend somebody else’s money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else’s money on somebody else, I’m not concerned about how much it is, and I’m not concerned about what I get. And that’s government.”

The Left has spent decades squandering other people’s (taxpayer) money on government programs. The leftists who spent this money swear they meant well. In point of fact, these programs inflicted harm upon the United States. There’s the corporate welfare that allowed the government to pick winners and losers in the business world, thus reducing competition. 

There’s the welfare safety net for low-income people. Those programs rob people of any ambition to lift themselves up to a higher station in life. The same government aid encourages fathers to abandon their children. Those children grow up without a stable influence. As a result, crime soars. Society suffers.

Then there’s the money that taxpayers are forced to give to the National Endowment for the Arts. We pay for atrocious art that no one other than eccentric weirdos want to look at. And no one in their right mind wants to pay for it. 

This constituency gets this piece. That constituency gets that piece. Those constituencies never forget to send lobbyists to their respective state capitols or even Washington, D.C. every year to lobby for more….and, lest you forget, they remind you just how much they donated to your most recent campaign.

Now that Biden has dropped out, the wealthy Democrat donors’ priority is replacing him with whomever they feel can defeat Donald Trump in November. Maybe that’s Vice President Kamala Harris. Maybe that’s someone else.

No, Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi didn’t pressure Biden to drop out because they had the country’s best interests at heart. Biden did not decide to drop out because he put the country ahead of his ego.

Biden had to go because the wealthy donors knew that investing their own money in his campaign was no different than putting it in a giant pile and lighting it on fire. 

These wealthy Democrat donors include, among countless others, actor George Clooney and Hollywood producer Jeffery Katzenberg, neither of whom have your best interests at heart. Other hot-shot Democrat donors include the people who benefit from corporate welfare. They don’t have your best interests at heart either. 

Biden couldn’t beat Trump. Consequently, Biden had to go.

The voters didn’t decide this. The wealthy donors did. And the wealthy donors help elect Democrats who want as much of your money as they can get….not to invest it but to waste it. 

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer