Thursday, October 17, 2024

Kamala Harris Is A DEI Hire, And This Campaign Absolutely Should Be About DEI

I’m not suggesting that DEI be the only thing the Trump campaign and the Republican Party focus on. Of course not – we’ve got a ruptured-duck oligopoly for an economy that needs to be deregulated and liberated from the control of irresponsible morons on Wall Street and in Washington, we have a broken foreign policy which needs a full revamp so that America can properly reclaim its place as the leader of the free world, we have a Deep State which is actively out to get regular Americans with things like runaway illegal immigration, virtually unrestricted fentanyl poisoning people in frightening numbers, blatant censorship and consistent violations of civil liberties in a host of circumstances.

Americans are fed up with this federal government and the elites who rule it. This election has to be a referendum on that.

But Kamala Harris is the face of our ruling elites now. And her rise as a political hack who failed her way up is wholly explainable by DEI – which is a gargantuan hallmark of those elites’ work product.

So yes, there is way more to the DEI tag on Harris than just the idiotic “racist” and “sexist” name-calling the Left is throwing out.

For example, this utterly ridiculous AP story that I found at WVLA-TV’s website this morning discusses a meeting of the Republican congressional caucuses at which the members were admonished to stick to policy criticisms is covered with dumb leftist insults…

Republican leaders are warning party members against using overtly racist and sexist attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, as they and former President Donald Trump ‘s campaign scramble to adjust to the reality of a new Democratic rival less than four months before Election Day.

At a closed-door meeting of House Republicans on Tuesday, National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Richard Hudson, R-N.C., urged lawmakers to stick to criticizing Harris for her role in Biden-Harris administration policies.

“This election will be about policies and not personalities,” House Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters after the meeting.

The suggestion is that to refer to DEI where Harris is concerned is “overtly racist and sexist.”

But why is that?

None of the Republicans in that room made Harris a DEI hire.

That was Joe Biden’s doing.

Let’s remember that in June of 2020 when Biden was picking his running mate he explicitly restricted his choices to black women. The three names which were tossed out as finalists were Susan Rice, the Obama underling who ultimately was put in charge of DEI in the Biden administration, Karen Bass, who at that point was a congresswoman from Los Angeles and is now mayor of Los Angeles, and Harris.

Harris was the only one of the three who had run for president but despite raising a colossal amount of money she crashed on the launch pad, dropping out of the race before the Iowa caucuses.

Lots of people attribute this moment to destroying Harris as a presidential candidate. From a Democrat primary debate in 2019…

Tulsi Gabbard reduced her to a babbling dunce and Harris never refuted any of her allegations. It was a classic sign of Harris not having what it takes to hold the office and the Democrats’ voters saw that. Her support and her fundraising went by the boards and she disappeared.

Only to come back for one all-important reason: she was the most prominent black female politician Biden could find to satisfy his DEI requirements for VP.

And that’s led to an historically awful performance. Everything Harris has touched as VP is a disaster. We all know it. Her approval numbers are horrid, despite this manufactured Kamalagasm the legacy corporate media and the Democrat Party are foisting on us. They’re now trying to deny Harris was Biden’s border czar despite the fact it’s a matter of historical record.

The video don’t lie…

though TIME Magazine does.

Let’s also remember that Biden sent Harris to Munich on the eve of the Ukraine War and she suggested it was inevitable Ukraine would join NATO, something the Russians said over and over again was a casus belli. Almost immediately after she stopped talking the Russians invaded.

This is not somebody who has ever been good at her job.

Harris is a radical loon who wants to shut down the beef industry to save the climate, who would ban plastic straws, who wants to “decriminalize” illegal immigration and give free health care to the illegals, favors Hamas over Israel and is pro-Iran, who’s for infanticide.

When the intrepid journalist David Daleiden proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Planned Parenthood was profiteering off the body parts of aborted babies, Harris as attorney general in California did everything she could to bankrupt him with legal costs and put him in jail.

She’s for banning fracking, for converting the U.S. vehicle fleet to electric cars, for turning farmland into vast swaths of Chinese-made solar panels. She’s in favor of schools pushing transgender ideology on kids without parental consent.

Harris was the single most far-left member of the U.S. Senate. She’s to the left of Bernie Sanders. And she was instrumental in foisting the Christine Blasey Ford hoax on the American people during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

But for the fact Biden insisted on restricting his VP selection to a field representing a mere seven percent of the population you wouldn’t have someone like this as the Democrats’ presidential candidate.

DEI is the most fundamental manifestation of the anti-American agenda being foisted on us by the elite Left in this country, and Harris is representative of both. She’s the political equivalent of Claudine Gay, the plagiarist with a razor-thin academic record who ended up as the president of Harvard University solely on the basis of DEI, and what Harvard got for their trouble was Gay embracing Hamas on that campus and chasing off tens of millions of dollars from donors. That university’s reputation has taken a massive hit as a result of her mismanagement.

And we now see what DEI almost cost us as a country in the person of Kimberly Cheatle, the just-resigned director of the Secret Service who, through incompetence or treachery, very nearly got Donald Trump killed with security that was so awful in Butler, Pennsylvania as to raise suspicion.

America absolutely should be given an opportunity to accept or reject DEI, and this presidential campaign is as good a format as any for that choice.

So no, Republicans shouldn’t be afraid to call Harris out as a DEI hire. She is one. We also shouldn’t be afraid to trumpet the superiority of meritocracy over DEI, and to label Harris and her radical incompetence as the personification of it.