Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Kamala Harris’s DEI or Donald Trump’s American Dream? It’s Time to Decide

Beyond the debate over policy, there is an underlying and more important question that Americans must answer in November.

Will the United States carry on its historical tradition of meritocracy, which advances the concept that the most qualified person gets the job, or will we adopt a woke Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) approach, which advocates hiring and promotion based on historical perceptions of discrimination and oppression against specific groups?

In some sense, Joe Biden dropping out of the race provides an opportunity to bring the issue front and center. Since defining our collective core philosophy is so critical in addressing the future, it is best to resolve this massive ideological divide now, instead of letting it fester in the shadows for another four years.

Kamala Harris and Equality of Outcome

My colleague, Scott McKay, wrote an excellent piece on Harris and her long history of DEI-based opportunities, as well as her terrible record of failure with every project she was ever involved in. McKay argues that DEI is a valid topic that should be included when defining Harris, and he frames it this way:

DEI is the most fundamental manifestation of the anti-American agenda being foisted on us by the elite left in this country, and Harris is representative of both. She’s the political equivalent of Claudine Gay, the plagiarist with a razor-thin academic record who ended up as the president of Harvard University solely on the basis of DEI, and what Harvard got for their trouble was Gay embracing Hamas on that campus and chasing off tens of millions of dollars from donors. That university’s reputation has taken a massive hit as a result of her mismanagement.

In fact, Harris could be the poster child for DEI adoption on a broad scale since she was the beneficiary of race and gender advancement her entire career. Involved in an affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who was married at the time and 31 years her senior, Harris benefitted from Brown’s influence, which Brown did not deny.

“Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker, and I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,” said Brown in a San Francisco Weekly interview.

Still, Harris’s DEI advantages don’t end there. In fact, when he was considering candidates for vice-president, Joe Biden said, “I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president,” he said in a 2020 debate with Bernie Sanders.

Later, in an interview with MSNBC, Biden was asked if he was committed to naming a black woman as his running mate. His answer was revealing. He admitted he was beholden to black women, “…and so they’re the ones, as that old saying goes, that brought me to the dance. I have been loyal. They have been loyal to me… My administration, I promise you, will look like America, from vice president to Supreme Court, to Cabinet positions, to every major position in the White House. It’s going to look like America. It’s critically important that that be the case. I can guarantee you that.”

No matter how you slice it, that is pure DEI, and Harris as vice president is the outcome. When you commit to selecting someone based on appearance, or some unusual characteristic that qualifies them for victimhood status, you are rejecting others that may be far more qualified simply because they don’t check the right boxes.

As McKay points out in his article:

“Harris is a radical loon who wants to shut down the beef industry to save the climate, who would ban plastic straws, who wants to ‘decriminalize’ illegal immigration and give free health care to the illegals, favors Hamas over Israel and is pro-Iran, who’s for infanticide…

“…She’s for banning fracking, for converting the U.S. vehicle fleet to electric cars, for turning farmland into vast swaths of Chinese-made solar panels. She’s in favor of schools pushing transgender ideology on kids without parental consent.”

Harris is the Poster Child for DEI

Perhaps worse than benefitting from DEI her entire career, Harris is leading the cause for mass DEI adoption. She is on record as supporting equity over equality. “There’s a big difference between equality and equity,” said Harris on X. “Equality suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that, not everybody’s starting in the same place.”

This warped view of achievement runs contrary to the basic foundation upon which America was built. The only promise we are given as an American birthright is that we will all have an equal opportunity to succeed, and the government will not get in the way of that success by picking favorites. There is nothing implied or stated in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that suggests the government should ensure that everyone achieves an identical outcome.

That philosophy is pure Marxism hidden under the pretty wrappings of woke DEI.

Contrast Harris to Donald Trump

In contrast to Kamala Harris, the career politician who benefitted from unearned privileges in job advancement, Donald J. Trump is the epitome of an American success story. Trump has built a multi-billion-dollar fortune by using his intelligence, business savvy and creativity throughout his adult life.

Taking control of a relatively small residential development business in Queens from his father, Fred, Trump was the driving force behind the Manhattan revival in the 1980s, beautifying the New York City skyline and creating thousands of high-paying jobs in the process.

With only a $1 million loan from his dad, Trump transformed the Trump Organization into one of the world’s most respected companies and created a $10 billion fortune in the process. Moving from residential into commercial construction, Trump is responsible for developing the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Trump Plaza, Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, among other iconic buildings.

His business acumen translated across industries. Trump was the creative force behind a hit TV show called “The Apprentice,” and most recently, he created a media company most known for the social media site “Truth Social.” Recently, Trump Media and Technology Group went public, and instantly, the former president’s net worth increased by $4 billion, all of it liquid once the lock-out period ends.

The More Trump Succeeds the More the Left Hates Him

There was a time in America where the success of a self-made man like Donald Trump would have been praised and celebrated, and the weakness of the DEI approach ridiculed. Trump’s ascendance from a reasonably successful developer to an international business tycoon is legendary, and his story should be inspiring young people to follow his path of hard work, dedication and fortitude.

Instead, woke leftists have vilified him and twisted his success story into something sinister and tawdry. As an alternative to the American Dream, woke leaders like Kamala Harris offer DEI and equity of outcome, which is another way of saying you can sit on your dead ass, and the government will make sure you get the same rewards that the overachiever receives. We all get to suffer in a communal stench hole where there is no opportunity to improve your lot in life, no matter how intelligent, creative and committed you might be.

Because that approach has worked so well in the past in the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, North Korea, etc.

Dig down, and you will learn what this election is really about.

Maybe you’re sitting there right now, and you are considering opening a business. I don’t care if it’s a plumbing shop, a bookstore or a restaurant, you have a dream. You need to understand that Kamala Harris thinks that if you’re successful, you must share your riches with the deadbeat on welfare so you both end up with the same amount.

If you have a dream, and you want to better yourself and your family, Kamala Harris is against you, but Donald Trump will move heaven and earth to help you succeed.

You better think long and hard about that when you’re casting your vote in November