Saturday, March 29, 2025

More Election Manipulation as the Left Takes Another Big Step Toward Authoritarianism

On January 20, 2025, senile Joe Biden will finally be gone for good.


Au Revoir



See you later palโ€ฆ

Democrats claim Bidenโ€™s cognitive decline, which was on full display during the Trump debate, was a shocking revelation that left them with no alternative but to โ€œpersuadeโ€ the president to withdraw from the 2024 election. However, as with all things Democrat, the explanation doesnโ€™t pass the smell test.

They didnโ€™t know about Joeโ€™s condition until the debate?


A simple perusal of Tiktok over the past couple years would have revealed an astonishing montage of Joeโ€™s gaffes and mumbling incoherence. In fact, setting the debate with Trump for June was a head scratcher since it was nearly three months earlier than the previous earliest date for a presidential debate. In hindsight, itโ€™s becoming increasingly clear Slow Joe was set up. In all likelihood, there were people in the shadow government who decided Biden served his purpose and wasnโ€™t going to beat Trump this time, and rigging the election was a mountain too high, so they arranged a debate with a late start time and allowed poor Joe to self-destruct.

A Relentless Drive Toward Authoritarianism

Letโ€™s be honest. Like all authoritarians, the left loathes individual freedom. Theirs is an ecosystem that relies on group think and strict adherence to the party and its dogma. Fortunately, they have been repeatedly rejected throughout American history because free speech allows the leftโ€™s opponents to expose the sham. By now, most people are aware that there isnโ€™t a single example of a socialist/Marxist state that has been successful. The only government/economic socialist systems that come remotely close to viability are those that have adopted a capitalist economy and shotgun married it to a โ€œnanny stateโ€ paradigm.

However, Americaโ€™s leftists wouldnโ€™t be satisfied with a Scandinavian socialism model. They want the full-on version where the state owns the means of production and elections are rubber-stamped vanity affairs.

This desire to implement the classic version of left wing authoritarianism (LWA) in America has been revealed in countless actions that all have one intent: to impose the leftโ€™s will on society without regard for dissenting opinions, even if they represent the majority.

Sometimes, we have a tendency to grow numb to the relentless and aggressive efforts of the left to dismantle the Bill of Rights and force their twisted and psychotic version of โ€œutopiaโ€ on the rest of us.


* They rigged an election

* They want to repeal the second amendment completely

* They suppressed, shadow banned and suspended dissenting voices on social media

* They believe that freedom of speech has โ€œlimitsโ€

* Eighteen opposition leaders have been indicted, and so far, eight have been jailed

* Opposition leaders are routinely banned from speaking on college campuses

* They created a โ€œcancel cultureโ€ where deviating from leftist group thought can cost the offender their career

* They villainized the police and turned criminals into martyrs

Now Theyโ€™re After Elections

Letโ€™s face it, the left finds elections annoying and inconvenient. If all elections were rigged, they wouldnโ€™t have to worry about the Supreme Court or the filibuster. They could usher in a new era of land and wealth confiscation, completely open borders, enact more climate change lunacy laws and ratchet up the misery on America that they seem to enjoy so much.

To that end, they recently made a huge stride.

Under intense pressure and a threat to invoke the 25th amendment from his own party, Biden quit. To be clear, Slow Joe was extremely resistant to the idea of pulling out, so this was an instance of the shadow government flexing its muscle and bulldozing him out of the way. In one fell swoop, the will of 14 million voters who voted for Biden was nullified. Joe had 3,886 delegates. The next closest candidate, Dean Phillips, had 4.

While the media has parroted the excuse that this all was due to cognitive decline, as I pointed out earlier, Bidenโ€™s brain problem was well known years ago. In its naked ugliness, leftists realized the election was moving quickly beyond the margin of rigging, so they dumped him.

Which raises an interesting question. What if weโ€™re into September, and Kamala Harris trails Trump by more than 4%, which makes it very difficult to cheat your way to victory? Will she also suddenly suffer from some unexpected malady that will force her to withdraw? Theoretically, could this process continue until Democrats get it โ€œrightโ€?

And how will this affect future elections? Have leftist Democrats achieved so much influence in the party that in 2028, they will anoint their candidate and simply do away with the costly and unpredictable primary season? If you think thatโ€™s beyond the pale, you still donโ€™t understand the modern Democratic party.

We already know that the Democrat leadership admitted they rigged the 2016 primaries to get rid of Bernie Sanders. Robert Kennedy Jr. quit the Democrat party because they manipulated the rules and primary schedule to ensure his impact in the 2024 primaries was muted.

And now this.

Every move the woke leftist movement makes is designed to advance their efforts to achieve authoritarian control. Rigging elections is just a stop on the road to eliminating them completely, and 2024 marks a milestone victory in that regard.