Monday, February 24, 2025

School Punishes 7-Year-Old Old As “Racist” For Telling The Truth

I never cease to be amazed by the thought rigidity of the left. It’s laughable that they shout from the rooftops that they are “progressive” when their minds are completely closed to any thought that doesn’t agree with their agenda. The radical left Democrats see being progressive as denying biology and lying to America about everything from the climate to justice to education and even the meaning of life.

Case in point: a 7-year-old who attends Viejo Elementary School in Orange County, California, thought she was doing something nice. The girl called B.B., to shield her identity, drew a picture for her black friend that had Black Lives Matter on it with the words “Any Life” written below it. The picture also had four circles drawn on it that were brown, beige, and yellow. To B.B., those represented her racially mixed friends.

The friend, known only as M.C., took the picture home, where a snowflake parent saw it, was offended, and emailed the school demanding they take action.

Whoa. A 7-year-old, thinking she is being nice, draws a picture for her friend and a dimwitted parent emails the school demanding action? That alone is ridiculous. Why not just put M.C. in a bubble so the child is totally shielded from life? We’ll call this overreaction number one.

Overreaction number two came courtesy of a woke principal named Jesus Becerra. He embarrassed B.B. by making her publicly apologize to her classmates on the playground. He punished her further by banning B.B. from recess and drawing pictures for two weeks.

B.B.’s mother, Chelsea Boyle, did not find out about the incident until much later when she took action. Boyle said she didn’t think her daughter did anything wrong:

“I was immediately angry; I didn’t know what had happened; I knew it was wrong fundamentally.”

“My daughter’s rights were taken away, and I just started reaching out to find out what compelled speech was. I didn’t know what it was until I spoke to attorneys,” she told Fox News.

B.B.’s family filed a lawsuit against the Capistrano Unified School District last year, claiming her First Amendment Rights were violated during the 2021 incident.

Unfortunately, another woke snowflake was on the bench and oversaw the case. He then committed overreaction number three. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that US Central District Court Judge David Carter ruled, “Students have the right to be free from speech that denigrates their race while at school.” Carter added that the First Amendment did not protect the drawing because of the age of the girl named in the suit.

Carter wrote:

“An elementary school is not a marketplace of ideas. Thus, the downsides of regulating speech there is not as significant as it is in high schools, where students are approaching voting age and controversial speech could spark conducive conversation. A parent might second-guess (the principal’s) conclusion, but his decision to discipline B.B. belongs to him, not the federal courts.”

Carter added:

“Undoubtedly, B.B.’s intentions were innocent… B.B. testified that she gifted the drawing to M.C. to make her feel comfortable after her class learned about Martin Luther King Jr.”

The case will now proceed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Attorney Caleb Trotter told the San Francisco Chronicle that Carter’s ruling could set a dangerous precedent for elementary students.

Trotter stated:

“If that view is allowed to survive and spread, the speech rights of countless elementary students around the country could be at risk. That was what really concerned me.”

Carter, meanwhile, finalized his ruling by pointing out that both B.B. and M.C have moved on.

Carter said:

“B.B. and M.C. have undoubtedly moved on from this incident that occurred three years ago. B.B. stated that the drawing did not strain the friendship between them. They have taught us an important lesson about moving on.”

Carter was obviously trying to soften the result of his senseless ruling.

A 7-year-old drew a picture for a friend with nothing but kindness in her heart. For her act of kindness, she got embarrassed and punished because an oversensitive parent whined to the school, and a woke principal overreacted.

Suddenly, a picture drawn by a first grader has become a First Amendment case. Is there nothing that the left isn’t offended by? This has mushroomed out of control because when one parent whined, a weak principal couldn’t see through what really happened and instead appeased the whiner and punished an innocent 7-year-old.

I hope B.B.’s parents win the case, M.C.’s crybaby parent gets stuck with all the court costs, and Judge Carter’s ruling is publicly lambasted.

Now, that’s justice.