Friday, March 14, 2025

The 2020 Election Still Isn’t Over for JD Vance

If there is a single issue where the left deserves credit, it’s the successful effort to squelch every attempt to uncover the nefarious activities that, in all likelihood, changed the results of the 2020 election.

I’m not going to rehash the details of the election rigging. If you want evidence that creates a compelling case that something was very wrong with that election, read the peer reviewed study by John Lott, the Halderman Report, and the forensic IT report by Ben Cotton.

Despite the numerous instances of head-scratching irregularities, none of these claims were ever properly adjudicated. In every instance, they were dismissed by the courts for one of two reasons. Either lack of standing, which is an excuse judges often use to avoid cases they don’t want to hear, or the assertion by the court that even if the charge was true, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the election.

The inability to litigate the election rigging in court, and the unwillingness of a Democrat controlled Congress to investigate, allowed the left to sell the idea the election integrity issue was settled, and Biden had won handily. If you were a high-profile figure who continued to talk publicly about election rigging, you were dismissed as an “election denier” and possibly sued or indicted.

Think I’m exaggerating?

Do a search on “2020 election rigging.” Five pages in, you won’t find a single result that supports the notion the election was rigged. So, by relentless suppression, ridicule, ad hominin attacks and legal action, the left felt confident enough to claim the entire idea of widespread election fraud was a right-wing conspiracy, and anyone who continued to cling to the disproven theory was a dupe and a fool.

2024 is Back to the Future

Which brings us to 2024 and JD Vance.

Vance has a documented history of criticizing President Trump, including a “Hitler” reference in 2015. Once he was chosen as the vice-presidential candidate, Vance got in front of the issue by doing a mea culpa and admitting he was wrong, and like a lot of Americans, he warmed up to Trump by judging him on his merits instead of media hyperbole.

It’s a clever enough response that the left may still raise the issue, but it’s not going to be a game changer.

But there is a much bigger problem simmering below the surface, and I imagine the leftist media is gearing up for a full-on assault.

Vance is already on record supporting the alternate sets of electors organized on behalf of Trump after the 2020 election. The left knows the purpose of these electors was to fulfill a Constitutional obligation in the event the election was found to be rigged and certification was delayed, but they have successfully spun the story into a plot by Trump to remain in office despite losing the election.

 “I think there is a political solution to those problems,” said Vance about the alternate electors. “So litigating which slate of electors was legitimate, I think is fundamentally the political solution to the problems that existed in 2020.

“If I had been vice president, I would’ve told the states like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others that we needed to have multiple slates of electors, and I think the U.S. Congress should’ve fought over it from there.”

That answer is going to put Vance directly into the crosshairs of the media. He is now on record supporting what they have categorized as a fascist coup attempt by Trump. Perhaps more troubling for Republicans, Vance has questioned the entire legitimacy of the 2020 election several times, citing unauthorized expansion of mail-in voting, suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and large-scale illegal voting.

Of course, the left will never admit that in every jurisdiction with unusual voting results, local officials did everything possible to obfuscate investigations, including withholding potential evidence and erasing any trails that might expose illegal or unethical activities. But the truth is irrelevant to the left.

Because the media was successful in their effort to mislead the public about 2020, Vance will find himself in the unenviable position of arguing in favor of a theory the majority of voters believe was discredited. That leaves Vance with the choice of either re-litigating Trump’s assertion in the court of public opinion or changing his stance. Either way, it’s not likely to turn out well.

Over the course of the past four years, Republicans have learned that election rigging involves complex issues like chain of custody and high-tech computer programming. When it comes to a scandal of the magnitude of rigging a national election, if there isn’t low-tech smoking gun evidence of fraud, it’s very difficult to develop a case the general public can understand.

That’s why Vance’s stance on the 2020 election is so troubling. It’s not that he’s wrong, but it provides the left with another opportunity to bring the election fraud issue back to the forefront of the current campaign. Just when it seemed it was finally buried, it will once again be headline news, and mark my words, the media will force him to admit to America that he agrees with Trump the election was rigged.

I hope Vance and his advisors are planning a response as effective as his explanation for calling Trump “Hitler,” because until this is settled, the 2020 election still isn’t over.