Sunday, February 09, 2025

They Are Trying to Memory Hole This Thing on Us

(Originally posted on The Hayride yesterday, July 24)

Donโ€™t let them.

Todayโ€™sย articleย just became a little more emotional after I spent some time pulling a shortย videoย clip from my KNIGHT TIME episode last Friday, specifically for my younger TikTok audienceโ€“and TikTok scrubbed it. It wasnโ€™t even controversial. Not really in the least.

The take, the confirmation of what Iโ€™ve been saying without using the actual terminology: They are going to try to memory hole this assassination attempt just like they memory hole everything else.

The difference this time is that too many Americans are smelling the rat.

It is a story that so many of us have been followingโ€“and I invite you to peruse my series of takes from it, both here on The Hayride and in my new show KNIGHT TIME on YouTube and Rumbleโ€“the same olโ€™ same olโ€™ is coming at us from the regimeโ€™s side of the war. Mine is a more sweeping commentary on how competing stories are working their way through the American consciousness and how the enemyโ€“that regime led by the government and its overlordsโ€“is playing a part in that. Most importantly, mine is a call for readers to be diligent right now in not allowing the Deep State to shape the story to their liking, to create the vision as to what happened, to ultimately form the history of it that will be the next propaganda in our history books for conspiracy theorists to wade through.

I havenโ€™t gotten into many of the storyโ€™s details, only using them in a general sense to present my thesis, which is complex and varied. Scott McKay seems to be following some of the details a bit more, specifically in his article yesterday.

But it is what Scott wrote as an update later in the day that I want to quickly spotlight here as support for something I have been working so hard to present.

UPDATE: And now Cheatle has resigned, which means sheโ€™s going to be made the scapegoat for what happened in Butler and weโ€™ll be told we should โ€œmove onโ€ from that debacle.

And no further investigations are warranted. To do so would be indicative of a โ€œconspiracy theoryโ€ and counterproductive.

Unless, of course, it happens again. When you go crabbing, as you know, you never just put out one crab trap โ€“ you bring several to the scene.

Boom. It is exactly what the enemy will try to do, exactly what it is doing as we speak. Theyโ€™ve produced for the American people their little dog and pony show with Cheatle. Justice was served, in their minds, or at least what they think the mindless American public will accept.

If you are still giving the TV airwaves or the pretty talking heads the benefit of the doubt, stop it. Stop it right now.

It is exactly how they have gotten us in the pastโ€“both distant and recent. They did it with the Warren Commission. They did it with the 9/11 Report. They did it with Las Vegas. Haiti. Maui. Itโ€™s all going to come out. Hereโ€™s your justice, you stupid little dunce. Now run along and go play with your LSU football and Ushers and Taylor Swifts of the world.

We absolutely cannot fall for it anymore. This has to be the watershed moment for people still under the impression that we are talking politics as usual.

From my article yesterday:

I planned to provide more screenshots and details and then explain how I think through them, using Biden and Cheatle as example(s), but I want to keep this article from burgeoning too big. Suffice it to say you will be seeing all kinds of questions and anomalies raised concerning this story, like Biden maybe being on his death bed (or dead already) and Cheatle perhaps being involved in other conspiracies. When you do, think the missing planet Star Wars Attack of the Clones. Think gravitational pull. And hereโ€™s whyโ€ฆ

We as Americans, and to be more specific maybe, โ€œconspiracy theorists,โ€ should not now nor should we ever have the burden of proof with the questions we are raising and have raised for a long time. I emphasize in bold the above passage for a reasonโ€“from the start we have gotten this all wrong, and we can thank the CIA for that, for vilifying โ€œconspiracy theoristsโ€ in the first place decades a go.

The truth is that it is they who have the burden of proof. It is they who have always presented these unspeakably incoherent reasons for these tragedies that we are forced to believe. And if you donโ€™t believe it, if you choose to ignore all reason and what your eyes and ears tell you, you are shunned and shamed as a lunatic and made to shut up. You lose permission to speak in society because the sheep around you have heard and taken their marching orders. You and your obvious truth are scrubbed from existence.

Just like a planet in a movie they want to hide.

It truly is a war for your mind.

Of course Iโ€™d like you to watch the whole show, but I get more specifically into the contents of this currentย articleย starting at the 15:55 mark here:

We know the enemyโ€™s playbook, and because they have only a limited number of plays to tempt and deceive humanity (this is the law of justice with God and how much rope he allows Satanโ€“see the Book of Job), it is hitting us harder than it normally does because thatโ€™s how much awakening has taken place since 2020. Heck, thatโ€™s how much awakening has taken place since July 13th.

God is teaching us through contrasts. Stark ones.

Americans arenโ€™t buying it anymore. And we certainly cannot allow them to scare us into buying it again. Yes, things are chaotic, crazy, and you may even be wondering how on earth you could be seeing it from the conspiracy theoristsโ€™ point of view now when for years you laughed at them. Itโ€™s okay. I used to be just like that. Itโ€™s not too late to join this war for our minds, this war for reality itself, this war for God.

The chaos we are witnessing is the point of all of thisโ€“God is showing us that as plain as day. He is gifting us with a chance to recognize the enemy for what it has been for decades, centuries. Now it is up to us to see the chaos as a learning moment to not only shape current history moving forward, but reexamine past similar events through the current lens so that the justice coming will be accepted in the court of public opinion.

Theyโ€™ve deceived us all along. And for their sake, the merciful thing is that justice be exacted on them here before they have to face the wrath of someone who has been watching the whole time.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.