Wednesday, March 26, 2025

(Un?)fortunately the Point Is the Story, Not Necessarily the Details

Of course the details matter, or should matter. But we don’t live in a climate conducive for such painstaking minutia.

To win the reality war, at least some number of us must have a multi-front defense and attack to combat the multi-front assault being waged on us.

To use a football metaphor, and if my football observations were correct, it is what at least stunted the wild explosion of the “Wildcat” offense when it first came on the scene in the mid-2000s. Nick Saban, if my memory serves me correctly, was the first to say that anyone trying to come up with single defense to combat it would fail because you had “to be multiple” against it.

Forgive the stupid sports metaphor, but for whatever reason it is what is sticking in my craw as I reflect on everything happening in this country right now.

But maybe that metaphor serves a second purpose now that I think about it–because no matter how I’ve memory-holed the picture, the overall story is what matters. The overall story arc of football offenses coming up with a new weapon and arguably the greatest college football coach in history speaking to how to defend it is unimpeachable truth.

We are encountering the same thing now on the political stage, the spiritual stage, the war for Mankind’s mind and the war for our souls.

I’ve opined on some of this already, in two written articles last week and five episodes of my new podcast called KNIGHT TIME, which I invite you to check out. I try not to be a blowhard. I try to express opinions with conviction while realizing I don’t have all the information at my disposal. I try to help folks navigate the fog. I speak mostly to my former students because how incredible it is that there is a set of teenagers out there interested, but certainly the content can apply to anyone. We are all seeing things through the lens of a sort of looking glass, and if we are going to join the fight, I believe there are a few things we must keep in mind–and admittedly these can be frustrating things for individuals who must have an answer, who must understand everything before they believe it.

Faith in your instincts, faith in the Holy Ghost’s guidance, must be a part of a thinker “going multiple.” I invite you to spend a few hours perusing my work. If we’re going to win we have to pay attention, we have to go beyond the soundbites. Most of us have the time; it’s just a matter of what we decide to do with it.


In the last two days, I have received three messages from students specifically concerning Joe Biden’s exit from the race. There was another on Sunday. They were all well thought out messages.

I love it. They are trying. They are curious. They care. THEY ARE A PART OF THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION I keep harping on. And if I had more time, I would appease that curiosity a bit more with more direct answers than I’ll choose to give today. And it’s not only that I don’t have enough time. The fact in my mind is I think we are speeding toward a point, if we’re not already there, where none of us has the time for such minutia, such smallness. I think God, the Trinitarian Almighty, is making things ultra-clear for us right now concerning good vs evil.

And wouldn’t you know it, ultimately, and I stress ultimately, I don’t even mean Trump vs everyone up against him. Trump is a means to an end, and only that in terms of this information war, and I have grown a little nervous for people who may be seeing him as too much more than that given recent events and the aftermath of them.

But onward with this article…

I mean no disrespect to any of my students here, but this is one facet of my response: If we get bogged down with where Biden decided to announce his departure from the race and other things like ‘was it his signature’ and ‘was it really White House letterhead’, I think we spin our wheels in a cognitive rut, get frustrated, and ultimately exit the war. There are multiple reasons not to worry about things like that, but here are three: 1) we will never know exactly why the details of his announcement were what they were; 2) there is no way to prove the signature thing, and even if there were, by the time someone proved it we’d be on to the next 400 anomalies involved in just this one story; and 3) even if it wasn’t his signature the anomaly doesn’t hold enough weight to be admissible evidence in the court of public opinion.

People are moved, are changed, by the stories that emerge victorious in a civilization. It is where the “victors write history” reality comes from.

And so to learn the truth about the JFK assassination or 9/11, for instance, the story must change.

That is where the Trump assassination attempt will re-open the history books and force society as a whole to look again at what we’ve been fed all these years. It is a frustrating reality that truth is dependent on who will actually listen, and who will actually listen depends on mere numbers.

That kind of movement doesn’t happen overnight.

I guarantee you that one day we will find out things that will be difficult to swallow. Our minds won’t allow us to believe it. They’ve become too calcified. I can’t even write on some of this stuff I come across because my purpose isn’t to look smart. My purpose is to help us win this war.

Such war is won through the Story. Not necessarily the details ultimately, although obviously they play a part.

I admit, these things one student above brings up are legitimate anomalies–no question–but they can unfortunately get conflated with anomalies like Maui Mountain Dew cans and a poster on a 2020 TV show (picture in a moment). Look, I think it’s all fascinating, yes, and I think it very well could be a case of predictive programming, but think about it: If The Simpsons hasn’t shifted the court of public opinion by now, why would any details like this do the trick?

It’s absolutely true: These types of things pop up in the entertainment world ALL the time. All the time. But again, I offer the question, how much weight does it have by itself? Certainly it is good filler material, a nice garnish with a well-prepared meal, but by themselves all they do is make the truth movement look like we’re satisfied as dogs by the crumbs from the table.

I mean, I haven’t even been able to get into the story of how Christians are being exterminated in the Middle East as we speak, because too many Americans’ understanding of the Middle East is simply Jew vs Muslim. You think that’s a bit of an important thread? Do you see my frustration as a person trying to spread truth? Some people don’t even know the number of Christians over there, and this, even though they know that’s where the Messiah himself was born.

It makes no sense at all, and people can be incredibly frustrating, but anyway, back to the Biden questions…

In my opinion, we have to take an enormous step back and see the forest from the trees, while still keeping a keen eye on a select number of the trees. That process can be tricky. But in my work I have compared it to the scene in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones where Obi-Wan Kenobi is looking for a planet in the database but it isn’t there. The gravitational pull of all the planetary bodies around it are pointing directly to where the planet should be, but it’s not there. There is only a void.

The young Padawan is right–go to the center of the gravitational force and there the planet will be.

It is an apt metaphor for my suggested method of fighting this information war, this mind war, this war for reality. Here are some thoughts from an online source. His words are reminiscent of much of what I’ve said in my work, especially the last two weeks:

While the memes are flowing and should continue to do so, the Cheatle hearing is, thankfully, a bright mirror of what could be a dark repeat of the Warren Commission following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

And I don’t think these comparisons are lost on the collective American mind.

It isn’t difficult for the MAGA faithful, Q followers and info warriors to believe the Deep State establishment want to stop Donald J. Trump by any means necessary … hell, they’ve been saying as much for the better part of a decade, loudly and proudly.

But now, EVERYONE saw SOMEONE attempt to do that very thing, and now, they’re witnessing the very people who should at the very least be able to answer simple questions about the battlespace that was created (or allowed) on that day rendered blind, mute and dumb.

Trump and Kennedy are names that have been linked in the info war for years. Now, they’re linked in a way that is sparking the sort of awakening we’ve long anticipated.

Give it time.

Of course I’d like you to watch the whole show, but I get more specifically into the contents of this current article starting at the 15:55 mark here:

I planned to provide more screenshots and details and then explain how I think through them, using Biden and Cheatle as example(s), but I want to keep this article from burgeoning too big. Suffice it to say you will be seeing all kinds of questions and anomalies raised concerning this story, like Biden maybe being on his death bed (or dead already) and Cheatle perhaps being involved in other conspiracies. When you do, think Star Wars. Think gravitational pull. And here’s why…

We as Americans, and to be more specific maybe, “conspiracy theorists,” should not now nor should we ever have the burden of proof with the questions we are raising and have raised for a long time. I emphasize in bold the above passage for a reason–from the start we have gotten this all wrong, and we can thank the CIA for that, for vilifying “conspiracy theorists” in the first place decades a go.

The truth is that it is they who have the burden of proof. It is they who have always presented these unspeakably incoherent reasons for these tragedies that we are forced to believe. And if you don’t believe it, if you choose to ignore all reason and what your eyes and ears tell you, you are shunned and shamed as a lunatic and made to shut up. You lose permission to speak in society because the sheep around you have heard and taken their marching orders. You and your obvious truth are scrubbed from existence.

Just like a planet in a movie they want to hide.

It truly is a war for your mind.

Read WHOLE articles and not just the social media post introducing it. Binge on productive videos instead of engaging in mindless entertainment. Actually see and hear the context of this entire story and how all the stories are starting to merge right now. The Trump assassination attempt is not disconnected from the Biden news this week is not disconnected from the Netanyahu speech is not disconnected from 9/11 is not disconnected from Las Vegas is not disconnected from…….


Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. You understand how the Deep State operates and has always operated. But you will never get there if your defense is to try to figure out 100% every little detail. While you’re doing that–and taking a month to do it–400 other things have occurred that you’ll have to start over with and would have helped you crack the code on the original detail anyway.

Think more holistically than that. Think bigger. And once you feel comfortable with that, once you feel right in giving yourself the permission…

Think the biggest.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.