Monday, February 24, 2025

Biden/Harris’s Surgeon General Adds “Parental Stress” To Attacks On Children-Depopulation Puzzle

My better half refers to Democrats as “Demon-o-crats.” She isn’t wrong. The plan of the radical left globalists is much more than skin deep. At its root, it is pure evil and demonic, but it’s also intricate and attacks society from different directions. Some are obvious; others take some thought to connect them to the overall “big picture” plan.

Not surprisingly, all of these attacks are masked as something else, but when you return to their primary goal of power through chaos and depopulation, it makes sense.

Take abortion, for instance. Publicly, the left portrays itself as a holy protector of women’s rights, but they don’t give a damn about women’s rights. Abortions kill babies; that’s what they really care about. It’s stopping population growth at its source. What you never hear about is all of the contraceptive options that women have and make a choice not to use.

Think about it. The left wants you to believe that abortion is the only choice and that it’s a woman’s place to make it. That’s hardly true; women have many options, such as: vaginal rings, condoms, birth control implants, Progestin IUDs, oral contraceptives, birth control shots, contraceptive patches, progesterone-only pills, diaphragms, spermicide, sterilization, tubal ligations, vasectomies, cervical caps, combined pills, Depo-Provera, internal condoms, intrauterine devices, birth control sponges, injections, early withdrawal, even emergency contraception.

What the left is really peddling here is irresponsibility. They ignore the fact that women in society have many choices, and instead of pushing fertility awareness and demanding moral responsibility, they sanctify the murder of the unborn. It’s easy for them; there’s no voice to silence.

They have successfully woven this murderous trend into society. Instead of agonizing and heartfelt, the decision is reduced to an afterthought. Many women don’t even consider any of the options listed above to prevent pregnancy. They stumble through their sexual exploits, knowing that if they do get pregnant, the solution is an abortion. Murder should never be a solution.

To highlight the hypocrisy of the left, consider the fact that if someone murders a pregnant woman, they are convicted of two murders. Yet, abortion somehow doesn’t count. They can’t have it both ways.

Before the physical murder of the unborn could become a common occurrence, the left relentlessly pursued the mental transition. They brainwashed young Americans, particularly women, that conservatives were trying to suppress their rights by reminding them that they needed to be morally responsible. They constantly insisted that abortion was a “Woman’s Right” by forsaking the unborn. Once that mental hurdle was breached and a new mindset was instilled, the abortion numbers snowballed.

In that same manner, they are polluting the minds of children concerning biological sex. Promoting the unthinkable as “Gender Affirming Care,” they are convincing the gullible and naïve that you can become a different sex simply because you want to. This is beyond evil immorality. These people are deprived monsters that want to feed children puberty blockers, essentially sterilizing them while also convincing many to mutilate themselves in the futile pursuit of becoming something that they can’t.

Part of this fallacy involves convincing parents or guardians that if they don’t allow the transition, there is a realistic chance that the child will become suicidal. This is diabolical and an absolute lie. The truth is that after transitioning, the suicide rate rises. They project that lie to “guilt” parents and guardians into allowing the transition, and by doing so, they actually enhance the odds for the suicide of the child.

Of course, if parental influence can be eliminated, the left will be the sole guiding voice, leading the children into a personal hell. That is the ideal situation for them and one they attempt at school levels for all ages. They do this by convincing kids not to inform their parents that they are considering transitioning. These outrageous actions were unthinkable even less than a decade ago. The idea that something as personal as a child’s sex is even discussed at school, in my opinion, is a criminal violation of their privacy.

Riddle me this: if constitutionally, it is illegal to prioritize one religion over another in schools, why is this “New Age” and totally irrational form of child abuse accepted and protected? Is talking about a positive belief system more dangerous than the preposterous idea that sex and gender are interchangeable? Is removing the parents from a child’s life because of a leftist agenda acceptable? The answer to this is a resounding NO, and it must be totally eliminated.

Unfortunately, Biden and Harris represented the most dangerous and liberal Administration in history. As part of that administration, they appointed Dr. Vivek Murthy as the U.S. Surgeon General. Murthy, another globalist, has decided to create a new angle to attack the depopulation issue.

Murthy issued an advisory on Wednesday warning about the “Stress” involved in being a parent. In the advisory, the snowflake stated:

“The stresses parents and caregivers have today are being passed to children in direct and indirect ways, impacting families and communities across America.”

The advisory then reported some percentages that I know are not accurate. These numbers were selectively cultivated, probably by cherry-picking other snowflakes with over-delicate sensibilities.

In the advisory, it stated:

“When stress is severe or prolonged, it can have a deleterious effect; 41 percent of parents say that most days they are so stressed they cannot function, and 48 percent say that most days their stress is completely overwhelming compared to other adults 20% and 26%, respectively.”  

Murthy pointed out social media, a crisis in youth mental health, and the “epidemic of loneliness” affecting young people and their parents as the main challenges of the current generation. He noted that despite previous generations facing tougher financial situations and other struggles, these modern challenges are significant.

“Struggles like how to manage the harms of social media, how to deal with gun violence in communities and the youth mental-health crisis are newer issues that the current generation of parents are dealing with, and they need to be a priority.”

“In my conversations with parents and caregivers across America, I have found guilt and shame have become pervasive, often leading them to hide their struggles, which perpetuates a vicious cycle where stress leads to guilt, which leads to more stress.”  

Naturally, this delusional snowflake believes there should be more government programs for parents coping with parenting. These programs would include mandatory time off work to tend to sickness in the family, more affordable daycare, and increased availability of mental health services.  

“Raising children is sacred work. It should matter to all of us, and the health and well-being of those who are caring for our children should matter to us as well.”  

Murthy was appointed to his job by Joe Biden. He opposed Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, and he has also demanded that Joe Rogan be censored because guests on his show were disputing the “science” behind Biden’s Covid mandates.  

In 2022, Murthy was also critical of a law limiting gender identity discussion in schools, stating:

“Florida’s recent law restricting discussion about gender identity in school has understandably raised serious concerns. The law concerns me, too.”  

As you can see, the radical left globalists, seeking power through depopulation, have focused their wide-ranging attacks on our children. Murthy’s recent attack, sighting parental stress, is a signal that the left is going to increase their propaganda under the guise that institutions, such as schools and the federal government, are better suited for child rearing than the poor, stressed-out parents.

They will all use this as an excuse to seclude children from their parents on these issues, and once secluded, the intensity in which they will pursue these perversions will increase dramatically.

We must be vigilant in our pursuit of protecting our children. We will not be alone; God will stand with us.

Isaiah 49:25

“Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.”