Monday, October 07, 2024

Democrats Push Fear and Focus on Abortion at the Convention to Hide the Fact the Party has No Economic Vision

Fear and hope are opposite emotions. Usually, people who are optimistic will focus on the future, while those more cynical individuals are often stuck in the past.

The gaslighting and outright lying that the Democrats and the Left engage in with each election cycle has no end. For example, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have failed for nearly four years to secure the border, strengthen the economy, or unite the country. The unprecedented level of corruption and incompetence in the current administration is exactly why nearly 65 percent of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

The Democratic National Convention has been filled with nothing but lies and gaslighting. The left spent the first day attacking Trump, talking about defending Democracy by implying Donald Trump is a threat to the future of the nation, and making sure Biden spoke for as short a period of time as necessary. The fact that Harris did not want the current President of the United States to have a primetime speech at the Convention is telling. The Democrats are planning on the second day to focus on abortion rights, which the party talked about briefly on Monday.

Former President Trump has been very clear that he does not support a national ban on abortion, an idea that would never have the support of the House and Senate anyway. The Harris campaign and the left continue to promote complete and total lies about the policy position of Trump on this issue. The fact remains that anyone who wants an abortion in America can get one. There is not a single American who can’t take a bus or drive to a state where abortion is legal if such a person wants to do so. Indeed, only 14 states have outright banned abortion since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2021. The idea that if Trump was elected women would not be able to have abortions in America is a complete and total lie, the former President has made clear he wants the states to make decisions with the support of their citizens.

Kamala Harris’s supposed economic speech was nothing but absurd promises and vague ideas, she has nothing remotely resembling a plan or vision for how to deal with inflation or the many other issues the American people face. If the Vice President had any good ideas, she would have voiced them while in office for the last 3 years. Harris’s idea of giving families $25,000 for housing would just create more inflation, and this idea wouldn’t pass Congress either. The Vice President’s equally pathetic and unconstitutional proposed price ban would not do anything about rising prices either. Companies are raising prices because costs are up, if businesses can’t make a profit, then they will go out of business and consumers will have less choice. Harris’s idea to limit price gouging also has zero specifics. She won’t say what price gouging is or what the punishment would be for companies or individuals engaging in this activity.

The entire focus of the DNC and Harris’s campaign is to make Americans fear a second term of President Trump. The left’s lies about Trump wanting to be a dictator, being a threat to Democracy, or wanting to ban abortion, are all obvious and outright falsehoods. Elections are about the future not the past, and Trump is talking about securing the border, making his tax cuts permanent, and ending conflict in the Middle East and Europe. The left is trying to get the public to fear Trump’s second term because these radicals can’t promote any vision for Harris’s first time, she has none.