Sunday, October 06, 2024

Hu/Hu, He/He, Kamala’s Got A Job For Thee

It’s time to stop the rah-rah bullsh*t over the so-called Harris campaign. A month ago, everyone gagged when she opened up her mouth and spewed another word salad. Now, the left wants the country to enter into an alternate state of reality and believe that she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

She isn’t!

Biden only chose her because she was a woman of color. Her inexperience and childlike personality were never meant for that position, and they certainly aren’t suited to be anywhere near the White House. Harris isn’t fit to be a dog catcher, and the fact that she is the Democratic nominee is beyond surreal.

The MSM is treating this as though it’s a pep rally. They have turned the election of the president of the United States into a circus. Because Harris has accomplished absolutely NOTHING, they are trying to convince the country that her hideous cackle is “joyful.” Harris was given one small slice of responsibility, and she turned her back on it and walked away. All she had to do was duplicate what Trump had done at the border. Instead, she got patted on the head and allowed our country to be invaded. Yes, it was invaded to the tune of over 10 million illegal immigrants.

Harris and Walz are so far left they are in danger of falling off the earth. They would turn the White House into a nut house filled with woke ideology that would permanently change the American way of life. Their policies are generated in la la land, an alternate make-believe dimension inhabited by lunatics.

On the application for her campaign, she has nine (9) different pronouns that applicants can choose to identify themselves by. Does that sound like a rational person who is fit to represent the country on the world stage?

If you are so out of touch and delusional that you would want to work for Harris, these are the pronouns you can choose from. “He/him,” “she/her,” “they/them,” “xe/xem,” “ze/hir,” “ey/em,” and “hir/hir.”

“Hu/hu” emphasizes humanity over gender, and “Fae/faer” denotes fluidity between multiple genders excluding masculine genders.

If you have failed to realize that you can only be male or female, and even these fantasy options don’t float your boat, you can also write in “custom” pronouns or choose to go by “name only” when filling out an application.

At the end of the application, a survey is provided that asks the applicants how they would “contribute to building a diverse culture” and are given the option of completing a diversity survey at the end of the application, which asks, “Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?” among other questions. 

A tiger doesn’t change its stripes, and Harris promoted this nonsense as far back as 2017. During a conference, Harris stated:

“We have to stay woke. Like, everybody needs to be woke.”

The genius then added this memorable quote:

“And you can talk about if you’re the wokest or woker, but just stay more woke than less woke.”

Harris identified her pronouns as ‘she and her’ after taking office. She reiterated this at a teleconference with gay activists in June 2021 and again at a disability event in 2022, adding that she was the ‘woman in the blue suit’ for the visually impaired.

Harris has made a deliberate effort to reach out to the LGBT community during the 2024 campaign. In July, she appeared on RuPaul’s Drag Race to encourage the audience to vote, stating, “We’re all in this together, and your vote is your power.” Additionally, in June, she invited the cast and crew from the TV show Queer Eye to visit the White House and film a promotional video for the administration.

So, with inflation rising and American families struggling to put food on the table, Harris announces her one and only unstable and inefficient plan for government price controls on the food industry. She ignores the fact that price controls very often lead to disruptions in the market, losses for producers, and a noticeable change in quality.

Harris has done no interviews, answered no questions, and instead of working on solutions for the border or logical plans to correct the economy, She fiddles with pronouns for her campaign application and bends the knee to the LGBTQ crazies.

She does this because these are the jobs that match her mental IQ. She is a kindergarten child playing with blocks while other world leaders work on trigonometry problems.

She is incapable of being the President of the United States, and since we live in a world of realities and not a delusion parallel universe, this farce needs to end.

Harris may be capable of some jobs, but none that involve moving parts or require rational decision-making. Reading her campaign application is all the proof you need. She and Walz are delusional, and these are serious times that require serious people.