Sunday, October 06, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Smoke, Mirrors And Lies

As the mainstream media continues to try and put lipstick on the pig of a career that Kamala Harris has stumbled through, the reality of her liberal actions and the horrid results are slipping out.

Steven Cooley, a California prosecutor, ran against Kamala Harris for Attorney General in 2010. That year, every Democrat in the liberal state won by a large margin, except Harris. She managed to just slip by.

Her first ruse as a prosecutor in San Francisco, to appease the electorate she had lied to, was to pretend to be hard on crime. Naturally, she did it wrong. Harris implemented the “three strikes and you are out” legislation, which meant that individuals with three felony convictions, regardless of severity, were subject to immediate life imprisonment. Her tough-on-crime ruse also included putting people in jail for minor, nonviolent marijuana offenses while also withholding information that would have freed people from imprisonment because it would have also hurt her political statistics.

Cooley told the Dailey Mail:

I think she’s wholly unqualified and that her election could be the worst thing that happens in my lifetime to our nation. She has extreme positions that are not good for this country. On immigration, on the economy, on law and order, crime and punishment, I can go on and on and on. I think she’s wrong about almost everything and dangerously wrong.”

“When the winds of political change happened, and Democrats decided to coddle criminals again, Harris did the unthinkable: she decided not to seek the death penalty against a known gang leader who gunned down a police officer at a routine traffic stop with a machine gun.” 

The Daily Mail added that Harris “went on camera just three days after the killing to announce her decision, without seeking input from the victim’s family or giving them advance notice.”

That decision cost her the endorsement of every law enforcement group in the state

It should be noted that based on election night results, Harris initially appeared to have lost the election. However, she was declared the winner three weeks later after all the mail-in and provisional ballots were counted. Does that sound familiar?

Turning back to her true colors and following the radical left’s lead, Harris pulled a 180-degree flip-flop and began backing legislation that would empty the overcrowded prisons that she created. Once again, she went overboard in the wrong direction, allowing those who shoplifted to escape scott-free.

Based on his knowledge of her drastic flipping based on what will benefit her the most, Cooley offered Trump some advice:

“Just focus on her extraordinarily radical positions, and I’d say that right now, he should also focus on her choice of a vice president because he looks like a screwball too.”

I agree with Cooley on one aspect of his statement: Trump needs to focus on Harris’s radical record and her non-existent accomplishments. She isn’t a genuine candidate, so attacking her personally is fruitless. He needs to focus on the fact that her career has consisted of a bizarre twist to the “Peter Principal.”

The Peter principle states that people are promoted to a level where they are no longer competent. The idea is that people are promoted based on their success in previous roles, but these skills don’t always translate to a higher position. As a result, the higher a person goes up the hierarchy, the more likely they will fail in their new role. 

In Harris’s case, she was never qualified for any position. Yet she always managed to manipulate others, one way or another, into helping her advance. She was a woman of color and an easily manipulated nimrod that the Democrats needed for Biden’s running mate. That break allowed her to sit behind a president elected under false pretenses and then benefited again as his already diminished faculties reached the point of no return.  

The country needs to come to grips with the reality that Harris is nothing more than a leaf in the liberal wind that blows any way that she is told to or that will benefit her. She has no plan, no policies, and no desire to formulate any. She will do what she is told because that is all she is capable of.

In case you haven’t noticed, Harris’s campaign is nothing but smoke and mirrors. She is hiding just like Biden did. She is nothing but inadequacies personified, and the Democrats know that. They will hide her with the help of the MSM until the election, but on November 5, the light of truth will illuminate the fraud that she is.