Monday, October 21, 2024
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Liberal White Women with Daddy Issues Will be America’s Undoing

Current thoughts on the passing scene:

• Tim Waltz reminds me of the type of man who would mail in the warranty card on his wife’s sex toys. 

• I am really tired of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and all of these other liberals screaming that we live in a democracy. We do not live in a democracy. We live in a representative republic. Pure democracies almost always lead to mob rule. Pure democracy makes no allowance for minority interests. Pure democracy is might makes right. The public schools don’t teach civics anymore, do they?

• Liberal white women who have daddy issues and who vote may very well cause the downfall of our republic. All of you sorry men out there who don’t spend enough time with your kids and who do one or more of the following things — stay drunk all the time, cheat on your wives, and/or abuse your daughters mentally/physically/sexually — are dirtbags and just as culpable in all of this. 

• There are honest, hard-working people out there who are stalling on important financial decisions until after November because they have seen the damage that Biden and Harris have done to the economy. They are terrified what further damage Harris will do to the economy if she’s elected. All of this is due to America having too many voters, usually up north and in the coastal states, who care a little too much about abortion, getting free stuff from the taxpayers, and putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms…..when all of those are rightfully issues that should be decided at the state level, not the federal. 

• The Left really needs to stop juxtaposing Trump’s moral failings against the fact that so many evangelicals support him. Jimmy Carter was probably the most moral person who ever lived in the White House. He taught Sunday School. He was nice to everybody. He never cheated on his wife. He was also (and still is) a moron and a gullible, naive, blithering idiot….the kind of person who would let anybody take advantage of his good nature and doesn’t see danger ahead. He drove this country straight into stagflation. This country never would have won World War II without General George Patton….and he was a narcissist. He had a foul temper, a foul mouth, and he was not a nice man. But he, like Trump, delivered great results. 

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer