Sunday, October 06, 2024

Manipulative Secretary Of State Wants To Turn Citizens Into Snitches

I live in Florida and have good friends who only stay here for six months. As Floridians, we refer to them as snowbirds. They usually arrive in early November and stay until early May. Many of them are from Michigan, and they tell me they wouldn’t go back if it werenโ€™t for family, such as kids and grandkids.

We all know about the corruption and stupidity in California and New York, but over recent years, Michigan has also entered the radical leftist picture. When your governor is a Democrat crackpot like Gretchen Whitmer, things are bound to deteriorate, especially when you continue to elect more people of the same kind.

Enter Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. During the 2020 election, Benson sent out guidance to election officials. The guidance included a presumption of validity for votersโ€™ signatures on absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots processed at the local level. This was explained in the ruling from Court of Claims Judge Christopher Yates.

The Michigan Republican Party and the Allegan County clerk initially objected to the provision that said officials should assume a signature is valid when reviewing it. The Court of Claims agreed with them and said that this guidance was not allowed. In response, the Michigan Department of State made new rules for checking signatures, including requiring officials to assume the signature is valid. However, this rule had a strong negative response during the public comment period. In his ruling, Judge Yates mentioned this negative response, and the state agreed to remove that requirement.

The language nonetheless made it in the final version, โ€œperhaps due to an oversight.โ€

OK, letโ€™s review. Benson, a leftist Democrat who will do anything to manipulate an election, sends out instructions to โ€œassumeโ€ that the signature on absentee ballots is fine without validation. Without validating the signatures, it allows for thousands of phony ballots to be counted.

When a judge ruled that this violated election law, the state made new rules that still included the language to allow it. (I wonder how that happened?)  Then, when the public disagreed and wanted signatures validated, the language that allowed it still made it to the final version due to an โ€ฆ oversight.

Translation: Weโ€™re manipulating this election, and we donโ€™t care what the public wants or thinks. We also donโ€™t care if itโ€™s illegal so much for every vote counting.

In December 2023, Benson issued new guidance on conducting signature verification for absentee ballot applications and envelopes. The guidance stated that voter signatures are initially presumed to be valid.

The Michigan Republican Party, along with the Republican National Committee (RNC) and other plaintiffs, sued the state and the Director of Elections, arguing that the guidance was impermissible due to the presumption of validity provision. Yates ruled in agreement with the plaintiffs.

The court found that the state constitution “calls for a signature comparison without making any presumption for or against validity.”

Yates ruled:

โ€œThe โ€˜initial presumptionโ€™ of validity in signature verification of absentee-ballot applications and envelopes mandated by the December 2023 guidance manual issued by defendants is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan.โ€

Yates also awarded a โ€œdeclaratory judgment describing as impermissible all presumption language contained in the guidance manual for dealing with absentee-ballot applications and envelopes.โ€

Benson snuck her deception onto the ballot in 2020 because of an oversight. She then tried to reword the same deception and get it through again, which tells you all you need to know about HER integrity.

However, she now has a new tactic. She wants to turn the state’s citizens into snitches. Benson is now encouraging residents to report so-called โ€œmisinformationโ€ from their neighbors before Novemberโ€™s election.

The document requests residents to email reports of election “misinformation” โ€“ with “an image if possibleโ€ to [email protected]. Bensonโ€™s office solicits residents to report misinformation on its “voter education resources” page.

Trying to justify the need for this ridiculous request, Benson’s office recently published a document addressing what they referred to as election “misinformation.” They described it as “the most potentially damaging threat to our democracy” and attributed it to “partisans, grifters, and other opportunists here at home” who they claimed are “hacking the minds of American citizens.” The document also called on citizens to support the official narrative.

โ€œCitizens can and should join this effort,โ€ the document reads, โ€œcalling out misinformation when they see it and insisting that we hold people accountable for spreading lies about elections.โ€

The โ€œtrustedโ€ information Bensonโ€™s office refers residents to is its own โ€œfact checkโ€ page,, PolitiFact, and Snopes. All of them have shown their colors as leftist information gatekeepers.

Oh man, this is rich. Think about what Benson is trying to do. If you disagree with Democrat leftist policies and speak out against them, you are spreading disinformation. They actually have a website that you can go to and be brainwashed into believing that only what Democrats say can be trusted. As if that isnโ€™t bad enough, she wants you to turn in anyone you know who disagrees with their radical beliefs.

Everything about the left is divisive and hatches in fascism. Now, the state of Michigan wants you to report anyone who disagrees with what they want, yet they love to call Trump Hitler.

But wait. Not only do they want you to turn your neighbors and friends in for misinformation, they will also send you propaganda so you can canvas the neighborhood and hand out instructions on how and what to think.

Last week, Benson launched a “Democracy Ambassador” program for residents, as stated in a press release. The state sends supposedly “nonpartisan facts and resources” to residents who join and encourages them to share these approved messages “within their communities” to “combat any election-related misinformation.”

The stateโ€™s โ€œDemocracy Ambassadorโ€ webpage indicates that the program consists of three steps: signing up to receive approved information, sharing that information, and signing up to be a poll worker.

Yes, after you turn in your neighbors and spread radical propaganda, you can become a poll worker so you can break the law and destroy democracy by approving thousands of unvalidated ballots.

Democrat Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel spoke to journalists last month, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between officials and the media in her effort to address misinformation on social media platforms.

Translation: The radical Democrats wanted the media to understand that anything that disagrees with their agenda needs to be removed, and like the sad lap dogs they are, the media will comply.