Thursday, February 27, 2025

Sneaky Leftists Laid the Trap, and Trump Walked Right into It

A new generation of younger, more agile Republicans can’t come soon enough.

For the past three decades, Republicans have been consistently outmaneuvered by sneaky, clever leftists who play the game with no rules. In essence, their only guiding principle is that the ends justify the means in the pursuit of their authoritarian objectives. There is nothing too low, sleazy, underhanded or despicable if it gets them closer to unbridled power in perpetuity.

Meanwhile, witless Republicans continue to show up to the gunfight with a butter knife and somehow think they’re going to win out in the end. Defeat after defeat has taught these dupes nothing, but I can tell you this: the, “we are the party of principle” is getting old as woke leftists become increasingly powerful and bold.

Let’s hope the new generation of America First politicians understands this is not the 1980s.

Unchallenged Leftist Setups

In the Romney vs. Obama race, most people recall the seminal moment when Romney lost the election. It was during a debate exchange that centered on Romney’s correct claim that Obama failed to characterize an attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi that resulted in the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens as an act of terror.

Obama insisted he did call the incident an act of terror, which was factually incorrect. Following Romney’s assertion, debate moderator Candy Crowley interrupted and sided with Obama’s version of events. In the moments after Crowley inserted herself in the discussion, Romney seemed befuddled, and he became passive for the rest of the debate. In the following days, Obama was declared the clear winner, and Romney lost the lead and subsequently the election.

In the aftermath, everyone believed Republicans would insist on changing the debate rules to prohibit on-the-fly, pro Democrat fact checking or unsolicited opinions by debate moderators, who typically range from liberal to ultra-leftist. Yet, over ten years later, the formats are essentially unchanged, and a debate panel that would include Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin, for example, is still considered laughable to Democrats.

Trump Falls for the Left’s Trap

If Trump loses in 2024, the epidemiology of the campaign will revolve around a strategic blunder so immense it proved to be insurmountable. Worse, it was another set up, but even so, Trump and his advisors should have seen it coming a mile away.

Prior to the June 27th debate with Biden, the farthest date from the election for a debate occurred three times on September 26th, when Kennedy debated Nixon in 1960, Obama debated McCain in 2008, and Clinton debated Trump in 2016. That means historically, Trump debated Biden three full months ahead of any previous presidential debate. There has never been a debate held in July or August.

So, what gives?

Despite the leftist media’s purposeful blackout, there were plenty of signs there was something seriously wrong with Biden’s cognitive abilities as early as 2022.

In hindsight, and it should have been clear at the time, we now know why the authoritarians in the Deep State sought an early debate with Trump. Either they wanted Biden to audition early for the part to see if he was up to it, or more likely, they knew in advance that his accelerating mental decline would cost Democrats the election, and they wanted him out with enough time to choose a replacement and run a campaign.

As time passes, it’s looking more like they were engineering a coup.

Why else would the Biden campaign schedule a debate so early in an election year with a late start time unless this was a setup to expose Joe’s brain problem to the world? How is it possible that Biden’s withdrawal from the race, which most Republican pundits believed would throw the Democrat convention into utter chaos, was resolved internally within a matter of days to coincide with Biden’s forced announcement?

Notice that not a single Democrat stepped up to challenge Harris. Not one. You don’t think the entire event was orchestrated in advance?

And so, here we are a couple months from the election, less than 30 days from when the first mail-in ballots will be cast, and Trump now finds himself behind in the RealClear Politics composite polls with evidence Harris is gaining momentum. Perhaps worse, unlike Biden, all the battleground states appear to be within the margin of rigging, which seems to be about 3%.

The Trump campaign should have protected Biden’s candidacy at all costs and taken whatever steps were necessary to help their quickly fading opponent limp across the finish line with the nomination intact. With the possibility of elimination removed, and Biden voted in as the official candidate of the Democratic party, Trump would have been in a position to pounce and allow the feeble-minded president to demonstrate his diminished mental capacity in front of the world.

I can’t help but think Trump’s instinct to go for the jugular when he senses an opponent is wounded is going to bite him in the ass big time here. There are too many people who are looking beyond the misery of the past four years and deciding they want to be on the “right side of history” in electing the first black woman as president. If Harris can continue to practice “strategic ambiguity” relating to policies and press conferences, Trump is in real trouble.

I’m not getting a good feeling about this election, and if Trump loses, you’ll know the exact moment he made a tactical blunder of epic proportions.