Sunday, October 06, 2024

The Left Plans Massive Violence for the Democratic National Convention

Hiding is not a long-term strategy. While people can pretend reality doesn’t exist for days, weeks, and even sometimes months, eventually the truth usually becomes apparent.

The Democratic Party’s attempt to cover up the obviously failing health of the senile current President was just one example of this fairly simple and true statement. The left’s cover-up of Joe Biden’s mental condition fell apart when the corrupt current President was forced to stand on a debate stage for an hour and a half with Donald Trump. People who try to live a lie usually face the consequences at some point in time.

Kamala Harris’s entire campaign is predicated on nothing but blatant and obvious falsehoods. The Vice President’s absurd policy proposals included a federal ban on price gouging, free money for lower-income individuals seeking housing, and the preposterous notion that she will secure the border Harris has left open for four years. The former Senator from California has gotten away with this strategy so far because the media has refused to hold her accountable, even when events like the rioting and violence in and around DC when Netanyahu spoke several weeks ago occurred.

This week at the DNC, this protective bubble that Harris’ campaign and the biased corporate media have formed around her is likely to break. There are multiple reports that nearly 100,000 protestors are planning to descend on Chicago to protest Biden’s and Harris’ support of Israel in the country’s current conflict with Hamas. The left-wing mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago has also intervened to make sure these individuals have resources as well, reversing a previous decision made by the city council to restrict the space these people could occupy.

Israel is not a perfect country, and the Netanyahu government has made mistakes, but the consistent riots and violence we’ve seen from the left going to back these radical’s response to George Floyd’s tragic death shows how extreme the base of today’s Democratic party is.

The irony is that the two far left-wing candidates that will be centerstage at the Democratic National Convention will be relying on the police they have attacked and supported defunding to keep the peace at this critical event for them. If the Convention descends into chaos and violence, which is likely, Harris will not be able to hide anymore, she will have to take positions and answer questions. The Vice President will have to actually run a real campaign, something she’s proven herself incapable of, as was seen in the 2020 Democratic primary.

The once-thriving City of Chicago now represents much of what is wrong with the left today. Businesses in the Windy City such as McDonalds and even sports teams such as the Bears have been talking about leaving Chicago, and the gun violence remains rampant, showing once again the gun control laws have zero impact on actual crime. Tim Walz let Minneapolis burn after Floyd passed away in 2020, and Harris has long supported defending the police since that time as well, these failed leaders will be in a very tough position if, as is likely, the windy city descends into violence this week.