Saturday, September 07, 2024

The Liberal Press is Turning into State Media for Harris

The Democrats are becoming more Orwellian every day. In just the last 8 years we have seen the left try to overthrow the Democratic will of the people with a fraudulent effort to impeach then-President Trump, pathetic and unsubstantiated prosecutions of the former President, and the weaponization of the FBI against Trump supporters and conservatives. The left is the threat to Democracy that these radicals try to paint Trump and the right as being.

The liberal press has also turned into state media. The left-wing activists pretending to be journalists will stop at nothing to defeat Trump, even if that means giving up on Democracy or the idea of a free media. These radicals stayed quiet when Facebook and Twitter silenced Trump after the 2020 election, and their actions covering Harris’s campaign are pathetic as well. Harris has not had a single meaningful engagement with the media in over 2 weeks, and she recently indicated that her plans are to not do an interview with the press until the end of the month. The Vice President also has so far only agreed to a debate on left-wing network ABC on September 10th.

The press is not only no longer criticizing or holding Harris accountable, but they also aren’t even asking her questions. This is what State media does for dictatorships. The talking points, such as the recent claims Republicans are weird, are even exactly the same between the campaign and left-wing networks such as CNN and MSNBC.

The left believes in their own absurd rhetoric. These extremists believe the delusional idea that they are saving Democracy by not covering the Harris campaign or holding her accountable. Trump has already been President, the public knows where he stands on every major issue. Harris has not even stated which tax cuts she wants to expire when the Trump tax cut comes up for renewal in 2026, and the Vice President also hasn’t articulated a vision on foreign policy either. Harris has literally given zero preview of what her first term would look like.

Kamala Harris cannot answer even basic questions from left-wing media, and the press knows this, that’s why the activists pretending to be journalists are no longer even trying to hold her accountable. The corrupt and biased liberal press has become state media. These left-wing radicals repeat the Vice President’s talking points, they give her nothing but positive coverage, and they don’t ask her questions or even attempt to do interviews with her. The Democrats have decided they only believe in Democracy if they are winning, and the current pathetic way these activists are covering the Vice President’s campaign is almost certainly a preview of how the media would also handle a Harris Administration.