Saturday, March 29, 2025

Trump and the Despicable Necessity of Smart Politics. Or, the Children

(Originally published in The Hayride on August 13, 2024).

It was a pretty ho-hum interview on the surface between Donald Trump and Elon Musk last night on X Spaces. Issues like the assassination attempt–anomalies inside which Trump is obviously trying to minimize–the federal Department of Education, the open border, and government spending were the topics I listened to before turning it off to move my betta fish to his new aquarium.

Priorities, right?

But I say “on the surface,” because as I’ve said many times, the substance is inside what Trump says in his sometimes-boring and seemingly self-serving rambles. Yes, some of it is unnecessary, but as a teacher who always worked to anticipate the next thing and tried to plant subtle seeds inside the minds of my students to prime them for more important concepts, I understand what he is doing.

What I hope he is doing. What we had all better hope he is doing in terms of rooting out the Deep State cabal that has long ago pledged allegiance to this world–the world Jesus Christ warned about over and over again.

Trump’s side remarks about getting along with Putin (while appeasing the base by indicating to it that he always held the trident in his communications with the Russian leader), his little speech about getting along with Kim Jong Un, and his quick willingness to defend Joe Biden in the face of the coup they pulled on him–these are three examples of Trump’s ability to anticipate counterarguments, particularly from a hostile DC-media regime, and couch his responses in a way that appeases the base, that removes anything of substance from his enemies’ counterattack, and what I believe has separated him from the typical politician, that speaks in the double entendre.

Supporting this view is Trump’s clear insistence on allowing others to fight the battle for him concerning the assassination attempt. I recognize this because I’ve done it myself–if there is a fight to fight where I feel doing so myself would put too much attention on me and thereby sully an easy “victory,” but also where I know the people around me will fight it on their own on my behalf, that is the route to take.

It’s the smart play. Victory is assured either way, and with the second you avoid the backlash from the haters.

And Trump is much smarter than I am.

I was admittedly concerned in the days after July 13, and still admittedly am, that Trump might be raised too much into a God-like figure. The Dems took care of that by shifting the media’s attention away from Trump with the Biden coup and this ongoing black comedy act of Harris, Walz, and the shameless media’s gaslighting of Americans with deep fakes and deep lies that she is in any way close to the popularity of Trump. Look, Harris, or whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee since I’m still not convinced it’s going to be her, may end up winning the election, sure–but if she does and Americans everywhere don’t come together and admit what the “conspiracy theorists” have been saying about the 2020 steal, then I give up. It all should be so obvious even now. But my confidence in my fellow countrymen has waned a bit after July 13 as we continue to prove we have the collective attention span of a gnat.

I could be wrong on that. I obviously don’t have access to every single American’s brain and what they are thinking. But it just doesn’t seem as though enough attention is being paid to the fact that the Deep State just tried to take out the Republican Presidential nominee.

Presumably the only thing this side of heaven between us and them.

The Children

The court of public opinion is important in relation to what Trump is not talking about, and perhaps can’t, not publicly. Demolishing the Deep State cabal is more than what I believe most Americans realize. This is not just a crime syndicate; this is a centuries-, indeed millenia-, old cult that has its roots in everything we as Christians are supposed to be opposed to. I’d say that of most any religion, actually, but I can only speak for what I am.

If you read the Bible with this in mind, you’ll see it. And make it the Douay-Rheims version because the Scofield Bible–which became the source for other recent translations, including a very, very popular one–at the turn of the twentieth century has led millions astray. It is my and many others’ reading that Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9 speak to this very directly, and become even clearer in the context of the whole book and the whole Bible. It’s what salvation history, going all the way back even beyond Abraham to Noah–and specifically to two of his three sons–leads to.

All of that may seem a bit far afield for an article that started with Trump and Musk, but it isn’t. Trump is that important. The things I’ve read these government officials and celebrities do to kids, what they do to sell us out, what they do to worship their own god…

If Trump is of the light, millions of Americans who have been following this shadow war will indeed have a chance to right the ship. If he isn’t, if he’s a strange twist on them who is simply ushering in the spirit of anti-Christ from a different angle, then what God has done with him for nine years is wake up and give confidence to millions in seeing the propagandic power and evil of the media and the fakeness of most of the talking heads in DC. God has used him as a mirror to our own history either way, and to the reality that so much of the carnage that has taken place is because of nefarious players inside our own institutions.

Trump may be a snake, but if so God has been using that snake to give us a chance–if only we’ll turn off our LSU football and Usher and Taylor Swift long enough to look.

My hope is that it’s the first one, that Trump is of the light. I hope his efforts to push Roe v Wade and education to the states are signs that he understands the necessity of baby steps and small victories before bigger ones like a mass cultural virtue overhaul can be addressed–even though his remarks on abortion in themselves are still abominable despite their seeming political expediency. I hope the absence of child trafficking in his recently released 20 core promises means either he understands a president cannot say certain things openly (like JFK did when he said secret societies do not serve us or that he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces) or he is keeping “child trafficking” as a hidden component of promise #10, which deals with the crimes of illegal migrants and cartels.

Remember, he is a master of the double entendre.

I don’t know the answers to these questions. But I do know that the child trafficking issue is one too many Americans don’t care about because they don’t know what apocalyptic evil the palatable term “child trafficking” serves to sanitize. One solace I have is that the Overton Window is indeed shifting on terminology, for back in 2020 even the now-recognized reality of “child trafficking” was largely a conspiracy theory.

By the way watch Out of Shadows.

So returning power to the states is a good thing, and it certainly speaks to Trump’s base and his self-recognition as a politician in a country largely absent of spiritual substance. But the only ultimate reason we should hope to decentralize power is something Americans, given the continuing comedy on the Left and the superficial, basic talking points on the Right, still are not ready for.

I hope Ms Crokin (below) is correct in her assessment. See, these are the types of things you never get and never have gotten in the mainstream. Trump is constantly doing and saying things like this, trolling the enemy, giving hope to digital soldiers, something that indicates this war is mostly happening behind the scenes, off the stage of the necessary politics a wildly popular X interview presents.

This really is about the children at its core. And Epstein was more than just a dirty old man who liked the taste of teenage girls. It’s the entire reason for my political writing going back to quarantine 2020, after months of relishing in the writing of LSU football, after my godfather introduced me to a word that finally made it all make sense.

All the good vs evil.


It is a most stomach-turning, soul-changing evil Mr Trump has seemingly fought behind the necessary veil of politics and in spite of Americans’ insistence on the distracted life, and something we hope he is continuing even now. There is a historical context to the Book of Exodus and what the Israelites turned to while Moses was gone. There is a most certain and specific evil the Canaanites and other pagan societies throughout the Old Testament were known for, evils which Jesus Christ specifically redeemed and replaced with an eternal sacrifice.

But there were those who didn’t want to listen to Christ. There were those that didn’t want to follow him.

Despite all of that–all of the questions surrounding who Trump really is–even if he is indeed fighting this holy war behind the scenes, at some point it’s going to be up to us. Us. That is ultimately where “We the People” must lead and what it must mean. This goes so far beyond the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.

I’ve written a lot on this here on Hayride and over at RVIVR over the years, but even that doesn’t touch the truth as to who exactly is behind it all.

Some of it does indirectly.

Epstein knows. Or knew. Or knows.

Aaron Rodgers seems to know. Maybe. Others, obviously.

Candace Owens definitely knows.

Remember, as I used to tell my students all the time, Jesus wasn’t kidding around. He told us exactly what he wanted to tell us. It’s all right there from the Master’s own mouth.


The War Against the Deep State Is Raging Beyond the Boxing Ring

Trumpโ€™s Chilling Ongoing War Against Child Sex Trafficking

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.