Sunday, October 06, 2024

Trump and Vance Need to Recalibrate and Focus on Harris’s Radical Far-Left Agenda

The Biden-Harris administration has been a complete and total failure, and Americans know that. Today, nearly 65 percent of Americans think the United States is headed in the wrong direction, and only 25% of this country believes US is headed in the right direction. Most people who are not lifelong Democrats are looking for change, and former President Trump continues to lead in most national polls, as well as in the key battleground stats such as Pennsylvania. Trump has consistently led in the national polls against both Biden as well even in hypothetical matchups against Harris before she was the nominee. Harris is a far-left San Francisco radical, she does not have a vision for the country most Americans support.

This is why Trump and Vance need to stay focused on the future and contrast the America First Agenda with the failed policies of this administration that Harris cannot divorce herself from in addition to talking about how far to the left the Vice President is. Harris obviously can’t distance herself from the administration she is a part of, and the former Senator from California also can’t run on the idea of change, she’s had four years to secure the border and get prices down, the current administration has failed.

This past week Trump questioned Harris’s black heritage in a perfectly normal and acceptable way at a forum for black journalists on Wednesday, and Vance referred to the Vice President as the kind of angry woman without kids who could further destabilize the country. Trump talking about Harris’s heritage is not in any way wrong, but these kinds of points give the biased media the ability to manipulate narratives to suggest that the former President is being racist, and his comments are not going to help him or Republicans. Vance’s comments also enable the corrupt media to falsely suggest the Republican party is anti-women, which is obviously a complete lie. Both of these stories enable the liberal media to stop talking about the border, high prices, or Harris’s extreme views and agenda. This is not helpful to Trump or the Republican party in general.

Trump and Vance should focus on Harris’s voting record and the incompetence of the current Administration. Republicans should also be talking about the future, focusing on how the America First vision will get prices down, stop the war between Russia and Ukraine, find a resolution to the conflicts in the Middle East, and end the constant domestic division the left is creating. Harris had the most far-left voting record of any Senator in Congress, and she supported eliminating private health insurance as well as getting rid of the cash bond system. The former Attorney General was also put in charge of the border crises, and she failed miserably. Harris is an incompetent and failed far left-wing radical, and Republicans should not allow the Democratic party and their allies in the media to reinvent her image.

Trump and Vance need to stay on message and not even give the Democratic activists pretending to be journalists the chance to create fake narratives and distractions. The former President should be talking his successful record, including actions he took that benefitted the black community significantly. Trump saved HCBU’s during the pandemic, home ownership was at near-record levels within the black community when he was President, and the former President also secured the border and helped keep crime down as well. Trump should talk about his accomplishments and his vision for the future, as well as the failures of Harris and the current administration. The former President should not waste his time talking about issues that distract from what matters and give the corrupt media a chance to spin fake narratives that take the focus off the most important issues.