Saturday, February 22, 2025

VIDEO: 1976 Mike Wallace ’60 Minutes’ Interview with Shah of Iran (13:06)

As readers may recognize, I love history and old things, especially history that forces me to determine where the deception and politics of it all were playing out back then, now that we have hindsight to work with. One temptation for people is to see these older videos as somehow untainted bulwarks of a time and place that involved none of the issues we have in 2024. I invite you not to do that, but also to glean from this short 13-minute video what you can in relation to knowledge you already have. Are there consistencies? Are there contradictions? Try to be an objective and discerning observer.

He says things about both Israel and Palestine that perhaps still relate to today.

Again, it is all interesting to me. Where does power really lie? Who really pulls the strings? How much has information war always played  a role in politics?

In 1976, Mike Wallace interviewed the Shah of Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and talked to him about who has infiltrated the American media and government, the use of torture, the SAVAK, and the CIA.