Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Brief Dictionary Of Leftist Misnomers

The left uses many inaccurate and deceptive words; that’s being nice. What they are doing is lying. We all know the accurate meanings of these words, but the left is trying to convince us that what we know isn’t true.

This is a very brief explanation of some of those words. It isn’t complete, but it covers many of those you will hear leading up to the election.

MISINFORMATION: False or inaccurate information, especially designed to mislead or deceive.

LEFTIST VERSION: Anything thing that disagrees with the left’s delusions. Right or

                                 wrong plays no part in their decision. If what is written or said

                                 opposes the left agenda in any way, it is branded as

                                 disinformation, resulting in a loss of free speech.

WOKE: The past tense of wake.

LEFTIST VERSION: Having a supposed alertness to racial prejudice and

                                 discrimination and an awareness of social inequalities like

                                 injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. This triggers quota

                                 programs such as DEI, contamination of the minds of

                                 children with CRT and the warping of corporate productivity

                                 with ESG.

CLIMATE CHANGE: Doesn’t exist. the Hadley Centre has some measurements

                                  beginning in 1850, but there are too few data points before

                                  1880 for scientists to estimate average temperatures for the

                                  entire planet. Therefore, the left wants us to believe that they

                                  can predict climate changes with only 144 years of data on a

                                  planet that is 4.54 Billion years old.

LEFTIST VERSION: An environmental scam designed for a significant transference

                                of wealth through regulation enforcement and new leftist

                                owned corporations benefitting from them.

PROGRESSIVE: Something happening or developing gradually or in stages;

                           proceeding one step at a time.

LEFTIST VERSION: The crazed thinking that anything goes and everything is

                               acceptable. Especially regarding sexual orientation and the

                               absurd idea that men can become women and vice versa. The

                               result is mutilated children, men in women’s sports, an increase

                               in young suicides, and a drop in the childbirth rate.

MOSTLY PEACEFUL: Quiet and free from disturbance, peaceful implies a state of

                                    repose in contrast with or following strife or turmoil.

LEFTIST VERSION: A description used to muddle the purpose, truth, or intent of a

                                 person, group, or event Involving extreme violence, looting,

                                 destruction of property, or arson.

SANCTUARY CITY: A city designated as a safe harbor for illegal aliens. A true

                                oxymoron, safety for people breaking the law.

LEFTIST VERSION: A leftist moniker used as a badge of honor by Democrat mayors,

                                 many of whom never expected to see any illegals.

INSURRECTION: A violent uprising against an authority or government.

LEFTIST VERSION: A term used to describe any protest by conservatives, even

                                those that are obviously non-violent. As opposed to radical

                                leftist riots where property is damaged, looted, and set on fire,

                                which are described as “Mostly Peaceful.”


A NEW WAY FORWARD: A move onward to a new period in life after a difficult

                                           period of time.

LEFTIST VERSION: A phrase used by Democrats to try and fool voters into

                                 forgetting all the damage they have done by trivializing and

                                 pretending that their past abominations never occurred or are

                                 someone else’s fault.

DEI: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Quotas.

LEFTIST VERSION: An excuse to implement quotas under a more pleasant-

                                 sounding name. The result is white discrimination and

                                 choosing race over merit.

CRT: Critical Race Theory. A theory based on a lie.

LEFTIST VERSION: A divisive manner of teaching that focuses on the relationships

                                 between social conceptions of race and ethnicity, social and

                                 political laws, and media. It considers racism to be systemic

                                 and divides races by insisting that all whites are privileged.

                                 The result is a lack of instruction in basics such as reading,

                                 writing, and math.

A key aspect of understanding the implications of the left’s deceptive politics is realizing that their words do not align with their true intentions. While their language may seem authoritative and occasionally sensible, it is actually part of a strategy to undermine our values and beliefs.