Sunday, February 23, 2025

KNIGHT TIME | American Sex Empire, the Tragedy of SAMSON, and the CATECHISM of Trent

IN THIS EPISODE, found on I discuss the much larger context of the Diddy story. The tentacles run deep, and have been digging in and through from every direction for a long time.



0:00 Two telling videos–LeBron James and Diddy; two artists discussing what these all-night parties are like (mild language in the second)

2:19 Episode intro: Diddy; April article; Trump tweet in 2012; children are the lifeblood of everything and why; ritual sacrifice; Pinocchio

5:04 My personal awakening–A____chrome and ‘Out of Shadows’; connection to Diddy/Epstein (blackmail)

6:10 Banned from TikTok

6:44 Child sacrifice in the Old Testament and now; God’s response; Old Testament bloodlines; how they hide; antichrist; X thread on Diddy and the music world; Musk, X, and the info/spiritual war

11:49 “Goyim,” and “cattle”; Talmud; Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; porn industry and control 13:06 Juvenal and “bread and circuses” meaning and danger; recent events with Francis and Catholicism; ‘The Plot Against the Church,’ ‘Alta Vendita,’ Henry Ford and the ‘Protocols’; Communism’s use of sex to control

16:13 Degrees of child exploitation; Talmud

17:44 Samson and Delilah; pornography; bread and circuses; Noahide Laws; recreational Christianity

21:44 Ian Carroll (brilliant mind) interview

27:53 Individuals and kingdoms; little gods and God

29:24 Time; 2 Thessalonians 2; Gospel of St John 1; God will allow some to be deceived; Samson connection

35:34 Intro to my Catechism teaching on the first 35 minutes today; Modernism vs Tradition; St Pius X; discipline when it comes to everything else in life but…

38:41 Teaching the first 38 minutes in the context of the Catechism and the First Commandment

1:01:12 More Diddy-related videos

FBI declassified The Learned Elders of Zion