Sunday, February 23, 2025

Oh, Shut Up, You Idiots

Clay Higgins is one of the few politicians willing to offer up an honest opinion not moderated by handlers or staffers. Clay’s social media comes from Clay’s phone. There isn’t some 22-year-old poli sci graduate whose daddy was a max-out contributor posting feel-good smiley pics in Clay’s name on X every day.

The value of that is almost incalculable. Most members of Congress are more like aggregations of staffers than human beings; that isn’t Clay. He isn’t trying to position or brand himself.

Sometimes that means he’ll stir up controversy. As a Congressman that isn’t hard to do. Millions of dollars are spent each year attempting to cancel and demonize members of Congress and other political figures – which is one reason why those congressional social media accounts are usually so carefully curated and sanitized.

Yesterday, we had a good example of this.

Higgins, hearing word that some idiot leftist activist, in the name of the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, had filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, took to X and let fly with this…

Zero punches pulled there.

And honestly, who can blame him?

The charges are outrageous

The Haitian Bridge Alliance made the move after inaction by the local prosecutor, said their attorney, Subodh Chandra of the Cleveland-based Chandra Law Firm.

Charges brought by private citizens are rare, but not unheard of, in Ohio. Examples might be a grocery store charging a customer for a bounced check. State law requires a hearing to take place before the affidavit can move forward. As of Tuesday afternoon, none had been scheduled.

Trump and Vance, a U.S. senator from Ohio, are charged with disrupting public services, making false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity. The filing asks the Clark County Municipal Court to affirm that there is probable cause and issue arrest warrants against Trump and Vance.

“Their persistence and relentlessness, even in the face of the governor and the mayor saying this is false, that shows intent,” Chandra said. “It’s knowing, willful flouting of criminal law.”

This group is backed by…George Soros. Because of course they are.

It’s enough to piss anybody off. But when it pisses Higgins off and he pops off about it, he’s immediately branded a racist and he’s forced to take that post down.

But here’s the question: if Haiti isn’t the nastiest country in the Western Hemisphere, which one is?

After all, Haiti’s neighbor the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, spent a fortune putting up a wall at the border which bisects the island from coast to coast in order to keep the Haitians out. Are the Dominicans racist?

American policy has pretty much always been to stop as many Haitians as possible from coming here. Why? Because the more Haitians you bring in, the more like Haiti you become.

This is a country with a median IQ, as measured in studies of Haitian schoolkids, in the low to mid 60’s. It’s little surprise that nothing in Haiti works. They haven’t had a constitutional government since 2021, and the warlord who’s closest to controlling the place is a guy whose nickname is “Barbecue,” because he has a reputation for grilling and eating his enemies.

There are almost no domesticated animals left in Haiti. It’s pretty well known that cats and dogs are considered food there. They’ve pretty much stripped the land clean in that country. There’s little agriculture, no industry, no economy to speak of. The per capita GDP is under $1700 a year, making it the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

Is it racist to point these things out? Gosh, I dunno. Is Haitian a race?

It’s a nationality and a culture, but no – it’s not a race.

Racially there is no difference – or not much – between Haitians and Dominicans. Dominicans tend to do OK when they come to America. Haitians? Not really.

Did you know that Nigerian-Americans out-earn “white people” in this country? Racially, Haitians and Nigerians are pretty much the same. Other West African immigrants also seem to do decently. And West Indian immigrants from places other than Haiti greatly outperform Haitians.

Which tells you that culture might have more to do with performance than race.

And yes, Haitian culture is atrocious. In Higgins’ phrasing, it’s nasty.

Trump and Vance didn’t get the cat-eating accusation from nowhere. Vance didn’t make that up. He’s a senator from Ohio, and his constituents were the ones reporting it. And by the way, those stories haven’t been debunked. The Left, and the Soros-funded agitators trying to put Trump and Vance in jail for campaign speeches, is relying on the opinions of politicians who are scared of being called racists for confirming that, yes, people who come from a culture where blood sacrifices of domestic animals is a religious sacrament and the eating of any kind of protein one can get ones’ teeth into is fair game are acting upon that culture.

The whole thing is absurd. People who have been to Haiti on rescue missions and other humanitarian projects regularly report back horrors they’ll never be able to forget and practices of the locals which are barbaric in the extreme. Cat-eating is mild compared to those things. But somehow when you take 20,000 people from there and dump them in America you’re going to get ordinary Americans in no time flat?

And we’re supposed to believe that?

It’s too bad Higgins took that post down. We need to be able to have this conversation. We are so overdue to make honest comparisons between our culture and inferior ones like that of Haiti without those willing to defend American culture being tarred as bigots – when the people holding the tar are quite obviously hateful radicals not interested in building up the Haitis of the world but in tearing down America.

The Haitian Bridge Alliance isn’t interested in helping Haitians. Nobody gives a damn about that. See the Clintons and their cynical misuse of that earthquake as a means of grifting millions of dollars in the Haitians’ name. No, what these people are interested in is making us more like Haiti because they think that’ll make us easier to control.

And if they can cancel a guy like Clay Higgins, who’s willing to speak his mind and give an accurate assessment of an inferior culture like Haiti has, then that’s a step toward making us easier to control.

The argument shouldn’t be about what a racist Clay Higgins is. It ought to be about why Americans aren’t free to object to our country being made more like the nastiest place in the Western Hemisphere.

So no, we aren’t going to join in this attack on Higgins.

And to everybody but cat-eaters and Soros leftists, have a nice weekend.