Monday, October 21, 2024

A Prayer For The United States

Let us do this, regardless of what happens

Father God,

Your Word teaches us that nations reach a point where they decide to follow you in obedience, or go the way of the world and bring upon themselves judgment.

We know that the United States of America is at that point today.

Will we:

  • Elect imperfect men and women who will seek you the best they can in their personal lives and in government, or;
  • Elect men and women in total rebellion against you?

Our vote will help determine whether we slow or even reverse America’s societal decay, or if we as a nation will allow ourselves to descend into hedonism and a culture of death and moral relativism.

Let us never forget that you are always on your throne and not surprised by the choices you already know we will make. But we have free will, and are responsible for the decisions we make, and the consequences.

Let your people not be self-righteous and fail to vote because we believe we should not vote for a sinful man or woman. If sinlessness were the standard, then there would no government at all for only you are sinless. Our vote must be cast for those who will acknowledge you and seek to follow your will, and not for those who willingly rebel against you. If 20-40 million self-proclaimed Christians fail to vote on Nov 5th, then the direction of this nation becomes our fault, for evil will always pursue evil without regard.

It is up to us to be faithful to the gift of having a choice to elect our representatives and continue this grand experiment in liberty.

This election cycle may every Christian cast their vote in a manner than honors you and recognizes that we are all only human. We know we are called to do our sacred duty, and to leave the results to you.

If the results of the election do not reflect a nation willing to be obedient to our creator, we know that those who do follow you must remain faithful and to tend the garden of your truth even in the face of great adversity.

No matter what happens over the next two weeks, let us demonstrate that we as a nation mean it when we say:



If we truly trust God, let’s work hard, pray harder, and remember that in the end all will stand before a perfect God to account for their actions. For only in Christ is their true liberty.

I don’t desire a theocracy, for they are prone to the same corruption. I pray for representatives across the full range of government who will follow the US Constitution.