Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Death And Taxes, Harris Plans to Monopolize Both

If elected, Kamala Harris has plans to take more money from taxpayers so she can waste it on ridiculous liberal ideals. The manner in which she plans to make her money grab is especially hurtful in that it strikes Americans at some of their weakest moments after they have lost a loved one.

Never forget that the government is not a money-making entity. Every time you hear the term “government-funded,” remember that we, the American taxpayers, are supplying the cash. Harris has decided that if elected, she would stick that tax knife in deeper and give it a twist.

Under the Harris robbery/tax plan, the number of Americans subject to the estate tax would significantly increase. This would happen because Harris has declared that she will let the Trump tax cut expire next year if she becomes president. Thanks to the Trump tax cut, the amount of an estate that is currently exempt from tax is roughly $13.6 million. According to the Internal Revenue Service:

โ€œUnder the tax reform law, the increase is only temporary. Thus, in 2026, the exemption is due to revert to its pre-2018 level of $5 million, as adjusted for inflation.โ€

Harris wants America to believe that she is going after millionaires and billionaires, but as usual, she is lying to make herself look better. In reality, under her plan, this will affect thousands more families. Many farms, ranches, and family-owned businesses must be sold after a funeral just to pay the taxes. These are primarily owners and operators of small businesses built up over a lifetime from nothing to million-dollar-plus businesses. The owners have already paid Uncle Sam millions of dollars in income, property, payroll, energy, business, other taxes, and annual levies. Now, they will have to pay a 40 percent estate tax rate, plus another 5 to 15 percent, depending on the state where they die. Simply put, up to half of a family’s inheritance must be given to the government. This means the IRS will get as much or more than the children or grandkids.

As if Harrisโ€™s plan isnโ€™t bad enough, the Wooden Indian from Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren decided to get involved and make things worse. She decided that Harrisโ€™s knife didnโ€™t penetrate deep enough. Under her bill, the estate tax rate would rise as high as 55 to 65 percent and lower the exemption to about $3.5 million. This means the government could seize as much as two-thirds of an estate.

Naturally, Harris supports Warrenโ€™s tax attack on the American public. If the bill passes, the United States would have the highest estate tax in the world. The goal here is simple: Force families to spend most of the money so there is little to nothing left to tax. The new American dream involves dying broke, so family businesses wonโ€™t be able to be passed down, jobs will be lost, families will be shattered, and the door swings open for government involvement.

Harris not only wants to punish Americans while theyโ€™re alive, but she also wants to punish their families after theyโ€™re gone. This is being done to propagate pain and misery and to make citizens believe that their only source of relief is government reliance.

Trump will extend the tax relief past its current expiration date, and the benefits to Americans will extend for generations. This is another case of one candidate vowing to โ€œMake America Great Againโ€ while the other only thinks about big government, power, and control.

Harris is not running against Trump. The puppeteers behind the Democratic curtain are pulling every one of her corrupt strings. The MSM isnโ€™t talking about this or any of their planned corruption. However, know this: the public is either being deliberately blindfolded or deceived, but the corruption still exists.

What you donโ€™t know can definitely hurt you. Remember this Democratic charade when you vote in November. Everything we all love is riding on it.