Saturday, October 26, 2024

Hitler Hillary, Leader Of The Left’s SS Squad, Rides, Lies And Tries Again

Will this worn-out old hag ever retire her broom and just go away?

Seriously, Hillary Clinton is a national disgrace. This is the woman who had an illegal server in her cave, was at the center of the Uranium One disaster, and literally smashed cell phones to destroy evidence. She’s married to one of the greatest embarrassments in presidential history, who, in case you’ve forgotten, involved an intern, cigars, and the Oval Office, and those are just scratching the surface. Yet CNN and other elitist-controlled MSM outlets hang on every hateful, slimy word that this has been loser vomits out.

At this point, if you give ANY credence at all to ANYTHING, the Wicked Witch of the Left says, you are watching way too much CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, Etc. The truth is that Clinton not only openly lies, but she is also totally delusional.

Clinton, during an appearance on CNN with Kaitlin Collins, at first called Trump a “fascist.” Then she launched into a nonsensical diatribe about Trump being Hitler.

“Sadly, here in America, the term fits, and you know, one other thing that you’ll see next week, Kaitlin, is Trump actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939.” 

HUH?  She then added this:

“I write about this in my book. President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that Neo-Nazis fascists in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany.”

HUH? What the Hell is this old windbag talking about? She just called all Trump supporters Nazis.

To me, the most surprising thing she said is that she can write. Everything else is total nonsense. The fascist gibberish is old. If any party represents fascism, it is the Democrats, but the Hitler blather is beyond ridiculous. This just goes to show how desperate the Democrats are. They are obviously worried that Republicans have closed down enough of their cheating lanes to the extent that they have yanked out the Hitler card again.

Trump campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told The Post that Clinton’s comparison of the former president’s upcoming Madison Square Garden rally to the disgraceful assembly in 1939 was “disgusting.”

“Hillary Clinton is so messed up from her raging 8-year-long case of anti-Trump derangement syndrome that she forgot SHE did an event at Madison Square Garden when she was a Senator, and her husband Bill accepted the Democrat nomination there,” Leavitt said in a statement. 

Leavitt then added, “Putting aside her hypocrisy, Hillary’s rhetoric about half of the country is disgusting.” 

The Democrats must have no mirrors in their homes or any other facilities that they frequent. If they did and took an honest look at themselves, they would be disgusted with what they saw.

The exception, of course, is Hillary. In her case, the mirror will simply shatter, like her two-time presidential hopes.