Thursday, January 30, 2025

Location And Information: Two Things Planned Parenthood Hates

Everyone knows that Planned Parenthood locations are nothing more than abortion clinics. Oh sure, they sell themselves as total women’s health centers, but in reality, they make their money killing babies. That’s why they are so sensitive about even having a single person praying outside of their facilities or someone offering an alternative to an abortion.

The U.K. takes this extremely seriously. I have written several columns about people being unfairly arrested and prosecuted for doing nothing more than silently praying outside of a Planned Parenthood facility. In some cases, the police actually asked them what they were praying about before being arrested. If you rationally think about this, it is the government condoning the slaughter of the unborn and acting as “Thought Police” against anyone who even silently prays for their safety. That, my friends, is as Orwellian as it gets.

In Napa, there is also an ordinance that prohibits sidewalk counseling and protests near a Planned Parenthood clinic. However, a crisis pregnancy center located just below Planned Parenthood circumvents this law.

This is a clear example of the real estate adage, “Location, location, location,” as well as a legal means to stick it to the sanctimonious killers of the unborn. If Planned Parenthood really cared about the health of the women they treat, why would they be so fearful of the women hearing about alternatives to abortion? The truth is abortion is the cash cow of this satanic organization, and anyone who interferes with that money flow is the enemy, even if an alternative is better for that particular patient.

In this case, when a pro-life center moved in next door to the murderer’s lair, they were beside themselves. They hated the idea that The Napa Women’s Center offers free pregnancy testing and pro-life counseling and that they were located right next door to their location. Realizing they could not force the pro-life pregnancy center to leave, they decided to move.

However, not so fast. To their dismay, the pro-life pregnancy center chose to relocate directly below them. CBS News reported on the events this way:

“Planned Parenthood has not been able to shake its old neighbor. The anti-abortion activists moved out of the building they had renovated only a few years before and have taken up residence in an office directly below the new Planned Parenthood clinic.”

The new facility provides ultrasounds for mothers to view their baby before deciding on an abortion.

Julie Murillo, the Executive Director of the Women’s Center, acknowledged the upset surrounding Planned Parenthood. She stated:

“Of course, we understand the controversy. However, we are here to provide a different option. We offer women real support for unplanned pregnancies. I think God does have a sense of humor.”

Planned Parenthood is concerned about alternative choices located nearby, claiming that the pro-life women’s health center is intimidating.

It’s encouraging to witness Christians developing innovative strategies to navigate laws aimed at suppressing their advocacy for unborn life, and frankly, it’s about time. Many people are delighted to see Planned Parenthood disturbed by the prospect of women having genuine choices.

Planned Parenthood loves to preach, “My Body My Choice,” but they don’t believe women should have real choices. The only choice they want on the table is death which is their specialty. By reducing a woman’s options, they make themselves the only choice, which is a mirage that they perpetuate at every turn.

Many women are confused and afraid when contemplating such a radical act. Planned Parenthood exploits those fears and presents the death of an unborn as inconsequential. However, your choices should reflect your hopes, not your fears, and Planned Parenthood offers women no hope.