Sunday, October 06, 2024

MSNBC Producer Confirms What We Already Knew

Some things are so obvious that they can’t be denied. Still, the left will deny them anyway. So, on those rare occasions when you catch them off guard, and they admit to their deviance, there’s a great sense of justification.

There is an adage that says, “The truth will set you free.” However, David Foster Wallace expanded the idea by saying, “The truth will set you free, but not until it’s finished with you.” For MSNBC producer Basel Hamden, the latter version will most likely apply.

We have James O’Keefe to thank once again for this latest revelation. Last week, he released a very telling video showing MSNBC producer Basel Hamdan talking with a woman who was secretly recording their conversation. Hamden freely discussed how MSNBC had shed anything similar to journalism and replaced it with an extended version of the DNC.

Hamdan made it clear that MSNBC was echoing every aspect of the Democratic party’s liberal agenda. In fact, when he was questioned about how they were doing that, he stated, “They’re doing all they can. What her message of the day is, is their message of the day.”

He added that the station’s anchors and reporters are “often saying the same exact things” as Democrat Party leaders. “This news network is indistinguishable from the party.”

Hamdan didn’t stop with just discussing MSNBC’s treasonous loyalty to the Democrats. When the woman he was talking with suggested that the station was conducting “bad Journalism,” he took a shot at MSNBC’s viewers, stating that “They’ve made their viewers dumber over the years.”

The frightening aspect of Hamdan’s admission is that MSNBC knows precisely what they are doing. They are not conducting themselves as journalists. Instead, they are nothing more than a liberal, leftist propaganda machine. They are brainwashing millions of Americans who still believe that if something is on TV, then it must be true. They are not only deliberately dumbing down Americans, but in some cases, their rhetoric is inciting violence against conservatives.

If you have ever watched the talking heads on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or any of the other MSM channels, they parrot each other in a disgusting fashion. So even though he did so unknowingly, hearing a producer from MSNBC admit the truth is revealing.

These stations are pumping an endless stream of liberal propaganda into the minds of millions, and by doing so, they are affecting the outcome of elections in every state in the country. Thanks again to James O’Keefe for exposing these deceitful proponents of evil. Hopefully, many of their viewers will hear about this admission and take offense to essentially being called stupid.