Saturday, October 26, 2024

Republicans are Squandering a Historic Teachable Moment

As the 2024 campaign cycle draws to a close, Iโ€™m beginning to fear an incredible teaching moment is passing, and itโ€™s criminal.

Immigration and energy appear to be winning issues for Republicans, so, thatโ€™s what youโ€™re hearing about the most, especially at the presidential level. Most Senate and Congressional campaigns mimic the same theme.

But itโ€™s a shame.

You see, the macro threat we face as a nation is directly related to the dumbing down of America. This phenomenon was identified in a study from Northwestern University that confirmed the U.S. has undergone a significant reversal of the โ€œFlynn effect,โ€ which tracked a steady increase in American IQ from 1900 to the early 2000s. However, the more recent Northwestern Study demonstrated that average IQs in America have declined since 2006, particularly in logic, vocabulary, visual problem solving, computational skills and mathematical prowess.

This overall decline in intelligence is confirmed in how the modern American electorate views candidates and issues.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan unveiled a complex economic plan based on supply side theory, and people understood him.

In 1992, Bill Clinton ran on providing investment tax credits, reducing the deficit, and capital gains reductions for long-term investments, and people understood him.

In 2000, George Bush ran on consolidating tax brackets, increasing the child tax credit and free trade, and people understood him.

In 2024, Donald Trump is running on immigration and energy production, and Kamala Harris is running on abortion, and Trump is Hitler.

See whatโ€™s going on here?

Complex Subjects Must be Simplified

Elitist Democrats, who are primarily responsible for the dumbing down of America, do nothing to address a fetid public school system that produces stupid people. This multi-decade effort was purposeful because stupid people generally vote Democrat. Leftists have learned that the best way to win national elections is to run on simple concepts based primarily on emotions and free money giveaways.

They say, โ€œWeโ€™re giving free money for (fill in the blank)โ€, and intellectually deficient people come running to get their share. There is no comprehension, let alone explanation, of the negative consequences that hurt these people in the long run. Democrats have created a conditioned response where the voter links Democrats in power to getting more free stuff.

Itโ€™s become a Pavlovian response.

The consequences of free money giveaways, such as ballooning deficits, inflation and the interest on the debt, are lost on most Americans who identify as Democrats. When you begin to talk about a potential sovereign debt crisis if something doesnโ€™t change, their faces go completely blank.

Thatโ€™s why the horrific inflation that still rears its ugly head with each new property tax bill, utility bill, insurance renewal or rent increase provides a generational opportunity to teach the intellectually deficient a lesson in terms they can understand.

It goes like this:

Remember when you got those free Covid checks in 2020? In total, the government sent out $4 trillion in relief. Although itโ€™s impossible to find two sources that agree on exactly who got how much, itโ€™s fair to say that both businesses and individuals received about $1 trillion each.

For individuals, there were three rounds of stimulus, and a family of four should have pocketed a cool $11,400. That was more money than most of the recipients ever had at one time in their entire lives.

Hallelujah! Happy days were here again!

During the height of the pandemic, I vividly remember watching a family wheeling a 72-inch HDTV from Walmart out to their minivan. They were all dressed in clothing that looked too worn for Goodwill, and the van looked like it was a junk yard reject. Yet, here they were, happily loading up their new big screen TV.

As leftist elitists suspected but never revealed, the free money party set off an avalanche of unintended consequences.

Many workers in unskilled position found they could make more money by not working, which created a labor crisis that impacted the supply chains. Suddenly, there wasnโ€™t any bread or toilet paper on the shelves.

Now cash rich, instead of saving the money, people began to spend, and when businesses got into the act, the demand for goods and services skyrocketed. And we all know what happens when there is a sudden spike in demand.

Prices exploded.

The Teachable Moment

While it was still fresh on the minds of the intellectually challenged, and by that I mean the people who look at the 2024 election and think abortion and Trump is Hitler are the most important issues, a single point should have been hammered home again and again while the suffering from 9% inflation was still fresh in their minds.

Free money = higher prices.

Let me repeat: Free money = Higher prices.

Everyโ€ฆ Singleโ€ฆ Time.

A simple message that could resonate with several generations of the low IQ crowd for decades.

It wouldnโ€™t even be necessary to explain that all the free money they received was borrowed from China, and now the taxes taken from their paychecks every week are sent to Xi Jinping to pay off the interest we owe the Chinese, who hate us. That would probably be too challenging for bottom tier people.

There are 81 million People to Reach

Joe Biden received 81 million votes in 2020. Letโ€™s say Kamala Harris gets 90% of Bidenโ€™s total. That means there are over 70 million people who vote, and many, based on what issues are dominating this election cycle, are incapable of second level thought and the idea of unintended consequences.

Low IQ Democrats represent a vast untapped resource for Republicans, but they can only be persuaded by using simple, elementary concepts.

Free money = Higher prices.

I wish the Republicans had seized the moment and pounded on that throughout 2023 forward. If they had, maybe a portion of the Democrat base would think twice before accepting a handout the next time Democrats manufacture a crisis.