Saturday, October 05, 2024

Running On Empty, Reality Be Damned, Harris Joins Sex Podcast

If you needed more proof that what the Democrats are calling a “campaign” is nothing but a clown show, look no further than cackling Kamala’s appearance on a sexually oriented podcast. The Southeast has been devastated by a major storm, our borders are being invaded, the world is inching toward war, and the worst vice president in history who has no clue about any real issues thinks it’s cute to laugh and talk about murdering babies.

Many people won’t say it, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is only an issue because society has deteriorated to the point where liberals who refuse to take responsibility for their actions want an out for their irresponsible lifestyle. That said, under no circumstances was this the time or place for Harris to denigrate the American political system with this type of nonsense. It proves once again that she is not even a serious candidate for dogwalker, far less president of the United States. The fact is that Harris, like Biden and the Democratic party as a whole, is an absolute disgrace.

The repulsive website titled “Call Her Daddy” is hosted by the smug and arrogant Alex Cooper, who is also a co-founder. The production has a predominantly liberal female audience that apparently loves to wallow in smut. Some recent topics include “Cheating 101,” “My partner is giving me the Ick,” and my personal favorite, “Blow Jobs, Hall Passes, and Frat Daddies.” So, as you can see, it’s a perfect place for Harris to appear.

Attempting to justify Harris’s total lack of perception concerning priorities, her campaign referred to the podcast as a “cultural phenomenon.” The question Americans are asking is for who? After her feeble visit to the wreckage wrought by Hurricane Helene, where she embarrassed herself by offering survivors a measly $750, she thought that appearing on a mindless podcast to promote abortion was the best use of her time. This is a clear demonstration of how weak a candidate Harris is.

“Americans are dying, and this is how the sitting Vice President is spending her time!” Donald Trump Jr. posted on X.

The very idea that Harris would even consider appearing on the podcast as a presidential candidate screams that she can’t be taken seriously and highlights her lack of moral values. This is an unqualified, insecure candidate who hides from any questions that will challenge her and instead wants to live in her small, isolated comfort zone. The Democrats and MSM want to hide Harris’s incompetence in the same way they hid Biden’s. However, the truth is the country can’t survive another four years of ignorant incompetence by a party whose only focus is a negative one-world-order agenda.

America needs to wake up to the fact that Democrats have been in power for 12 of the last 16 years. The only reprieve from their tyranny was under Trump, and it was an extremely prosperous, safe, secure, and energy-efficient four years for all Americans. The last four years have been a disaster by design, orchestrated at an accelerated rate because they view Trump as a real threat to their agenda. They cannot win this election fairly, and they are doing everything possible to place another incompetent puppet in office.

We have all heard the expression “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.” It describes a predator disguising itself to infiltrate an unsuspecting group. The predator in that expression displays cunning, intelligence, and obvious deceit. In Harris’s case, as in Biden’s, the deceit is behind the scenes, and they are using the empty-headed Harris like a toy puppet. She has no cunning or intelligence. She is an empty shell that is easily manipulated and is, therefore, dangerous.

Harris has shown that she is not only incompetent but also willingly incompetent. She would sell her soul for the notoriety of becoming president, even though she knows she registers a zero on the capability scale. She is the perfect mannequin for the Democratic plan to institute a new world order.

November 5th is no longer an American election. It is an election of global significance. More importantly, it is an election between right and wrong and Good and Evil.

That is not an overstatement; it is an understatement.