Friday, October 04, 2024
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Testosterone, Toilet Paper, and Tantrums Toward Trump

Random Thoughts on the Passing Week:

• If I had the ability to trigger regional, national, or international emergencies on a whim then I would invest heavy stock in the toilet paper industry.

• If you know any men who are voting for Harris-Walz then the odds are they suffer from low testosterone. You should probably buy them some testosterone supplements.

• The people stranded in North Carolina and Tennessee are dealing with looters right now. No one in the government or in law enforcement can reach them. Those stranded people have to use their firearms to defend themselves. You anti-Second Amendment snobs can go bite it.

• I really don’t want to believe that the feds are deliberately withholding disaster aid to Appalachian-Americans for political reasons. But I also remember when federal agents tried to sabotage Donald Trump’s campaign. Among other things, these agents got busted for exchanging text messages that called MAGA voters in that part of the country “smelly Walmart people.” Anyone who hypothesizes that Washington, D.C. elites have contempt for people in this part of America are not far off the mark. Anyone who hypothesizes that Washington, D.C. elites are probably less motivated to help these people are also probably not far off the mark.

• This book I’m reading about the life of Andy Griffith, titled Andy and Don, makes him out as a foul-tempered drunk who carried on extra-marital affairs with multiple women, including the woman who played Helen Crump on The Andy Griffith Show. I always believed that church was not a shrine for the righteous but a hospital for the sick, but this guy spent his life passing himself off as a super-devout church-going deacon who thought it was his job to dispense his superior moral wisdom to the rest of us. Also, you guys who run around on your wives or girlfriends are scum because of the emotional scars you inflict on women. And you make it that much harder on men who actually stay faithful to their partners. That’s because women have a harder time trusting men in general. 

• At this point, I will walk barefoot on broken glass to vote Trump back into office. I and too many people I know have important long-term plans we need to carry out (retiring, buying or selling a home, among only a few examples), and if Harris wins we will have to cancel those plans. Because we have such little faith in Harris not to screw our bank accounts up even more than she and Biden already did. Meanwhile, you Harris voters are off in the corner paranoid about “Agenda 2025” and throwing hissy fits and screaming CENSORSHIP because your 9-year-olds can’t go school libraries to check out the most graphic version of The Kama Sutra.

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer