Friday, October 04, 2024

The Arizona Election Integrity Clown Show Keeps Getting Worse

Letโ€™s face up: Elections in Arizona are a shit show.

Itโ€™s probably worth taking a moment to document some of the most egregious issues that have plagued Arizona elections since 2020. Inexplicable conduct by various public officials has raised serious questions whether there will ever be an election in the Grand Canyon state where the results can be trusted.

* Why were there two large data dumps in Maricopa County on election night in 2020 that exceeded the total number of votes cast during the entire election?

* Why was there no chain of custody for almost 300,000 ballots in Maricopa County in 2022?

* In 2020, why was the EMS database in Maricopa County, which holds all the details associated with election processes, deleted the evening before a forensic audit was to commence?

* Why wonโ€™t Pima County address a multitude of alleged voter roll and voting process irregularities, including ineligible voters, uncertified equipment, misappropriated funds, voters that should have been removed from the voter rolls, altered canvas reports, compromised chain of command, unmanned drop off boxes, dead people on the voter rolls, hundreds of people registered at a single address, and voting equipment connected to the internet?

* Why has a report from the CONELRAD Group that identified โ€œmalfeasance, incompetence, and possible criminal activityโ€ in Pinal County been completely ignored? The 695-page report found multiple problems with voting machines, individuals dropping handfuls of ballots into drop-off boxes, torn up Republican ballots and a concerted effort to suppress hand counts by the Pinal County Attorney.

* Why has the report by forensic IT expert Ben Cotton, which identified glaring vulnerabilities in the Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) Democracy Suite version 5.5B software used in Maricopa County, been completely ignored? According to Cotton, โ€œAn egregious security lapse provides anyone with access to the voting system with the tools to alter election results without likely detection.โ€

Arizona Gears up for More Rigging in 2024

Remember when the Department of Homeland Security declared the 2020 election was the โ€œmost secure in American historyโ€?

I wonder if anyone at DHS has bothered to investigate Arizona?

In light of all the head scratching anomalies in Arizonaโ€™s recent tainted election history, you might expect that in 2024, election officials would be looking to batten down the hatches, tighten every loose nut and bolt, and dot every โ€œiโ€ and โ€œtโ€ when it came to election integrity.


On September 17th, just four days before the county started mailing ballots to uniformed and overseas voters, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes revealed that 98,000 Arizona voters in Maricopa County hadnโ€™t provided confirmation of citizenship but were on the active voter rolls, anyway.


As you could imagine, Fontes believed that all 98,000 non-certified voters should get to vote full ballot in Arizona. However, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer disagreed, and an expedited special action was filed in the Arizona Supreme Court to decide the question.

I know I donโ€™t even have to tell you which way that decision went.

Naturally, the Court sided with Fontes, claiming that the county lacked the authority to change the status of the people on the voter rolls because they had โ€œattested to under penalty of law that they are citizens.โ€

In other words, the Court agreed with Democrats that providing proof of citizenship is unnecessary because these people said they were citizens, so it must be true.

Yeah, okay. As woke leftists keep telling us, illegal aliens, whose names might be on the tainted voter list for all we know, are as pure as the driven snow and would never lie. They might steal, rape and murder, but they would never lie about being a citizen when registering to vote.

Uh huhโ€ฆ

Incredibly, this bizarre story doesnโ€™t end there.

On October 1st, Fontes announced that there were really 218,000 people on the voter rolls who never provided confirmation of citizenship. This represents 5.3% of all registered voters and could have a profound impact on the 2024 election, especially in tight local races. Fontes claims an error in the state-run voter registration and Motor Vehicle Division databases was the culprit this time, but donโ€™t worry, itโ€™s been fixed.

Oops again.

Of course, since the Arizona Supreme Court has already rendered a decision on the original 98,000 voters, at this point, it wouldnโ€™t matter if Fontes discovered a million voters were on the rolls without proof of citizenship. They would all get to vote thanks to the wisdom of Arizonaโ€™s Supreme Court.

In an unfortunate turn of circumstance, Fontes said his office just recently discovered the glitch, and there isnโ€™t time to complete an investigation into how this happened or how many of the people on the list are ineligible to vote before the election.

Imagine that.

A group called Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona is suing Fontes to get the names of the 218,000 voters on the list. However, and Iโ€™m sure you could never have guessed, Fontes is unwilling to provide it, claiming that it would result in harassment of voters.

James Rogers, an attorney for the group, believes there is a more sinister reason for Fontesโ€™ reluctance.

โ€œOver the last few weeks, the defendants have been forced to admit to staggering failures in their voter list maintenance procedures and to gross violations of their duties under Arizonaโ€™s Constitution and laws. The public has a right to know the full extent of their failures.โ€

All Signs Point to Another Election Disaster in Arizona

Unfortunately, virtually nothing has been done to address the serious vulnerabilities that have been exposed in the process Arizona uses to conduct its elections. At every turn, the state has found an excuse or erected a legal barrier designed to stifle every attempt to uncover the truth.

And donโ€™t think this roadblock strategy is limited to Democrats. Remember, in 2021, Republicans controlled the House, Senate and the governorโ€™s desk, and 13 meaningful election integrity bills were drafted.

Yet, yot a single one made it out of Senate committee.

So, when you hear Trump is up one or two points in Arizona, donโ€™t get your hopes up. As long as the polls are within the margin of rigging, if I was a betting man, Iโ€™d put my money on the Democrat candidates.

Just remember. Nicolas Maduro, the strong-arm president of Venezuela, recently assured the people of his country that the recent 2024 election was the most secure in the nationโ€™s history.