Friday, March 14, 2025

The Gaslighting Of America

First of all, Happy Halloween!

My better half and I are old movie fans. We have some running around to do today (Still working on things from back-to-back Hurricanes), but later this afternoon and this evening, we have a list of old classic horror flicks chosen to watch.

One old film we like is Gaslight, which was made in 1944. It has a great cast, including Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotton, and Angela Lansbury.  For those unfamiliar with the term โ€œGaslighting,โ€ it is a colloquialism defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. The expression is derived from that 1944 film and became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam-Webster cites deception of one’s memory, perception of reality, or mental stability.

Gaslighting is a great theme for a disturbing movie. Still, when it is taking place across an entire nation, the results can be catastrophic, and that is precisely what the Democrats and MSM are doing to American citizens. Think about all of the things we know not to be true, and yet the radical left is trying to jam them down our throats and have us accept them as reality.

We know that a country canโ€™t survive with our borders wide open. Yet, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the entire Democratic party, and the MSM have not only ignored the problem but have tried to convince us that allowing 10 million illegal immigrants to cross the border is acceptable. That bringing illegal drugs into the country that destroys lives and trafficking children is no big deal.

They want us to accept and believe that killing the unborn is the only choice women have. They expect us to believe that a man can become a woman and vice versa and that if mutilating their bodies is necessary to achieve that self-delusional conclusion, so be it. Along those same lines, they think that men should be allowed to compete against women, completing the delusion for those disturbed men but ruining womenโ€™s sports for all of the women who have trained so hard to compete against their own gender.

All these things we know are not only wrong, but frankly, theyโ€™re ridiculous. Still, we tolerate the left injecting this poison into our society. Despite our knowledge to the contrary and the absolute denial of reality of these beliefs, we put up with them as though they have some legitimacy.

This is the gaslighting the left has accomplished. We as a society have accepted these irrationalities as talking points of debate while truth and absoluteness slip through our fingers and out of our conscious minds. We are now arguing with irrational people over baseless and absurd notions instead of using our lives to deal with the substantiality of the real world.

The Biden/Harris administration has energetically and viciously propagated these lies in order to destroy the normalcy and cohesiveness of American society. They intend to divide and conquer, using race and unnatural beliefs about sexual orientation to confuse, disrupt, and ultimately destroy the family.

The lie they are now seeking to advance as a legitimate truth is that Kamala Harris should be considered for the most challenging office in the world. In actuality, Harris is not even worthy of being called a candidate. Before Biden was unceremoniously kicked out of the door for being an incompetent fool, Harris was voted as the worst vice president in history by a wide margin in several polls. Yet now, we are supposed to believe she is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Harris will advance every one of the lies listed above, plus many more. She will advocate that illegals and prisoners be eligible for sex change operations at the taxpayer’s expense. She will expand the idea that men playing sports against women is justified. She will exploit more and more children with the moronic idea that they can change their biological and God-given sex. Genetics and chromosomes be damned.

She will not only leave our borders wide open; she will expand the rights of those entering illegally. She will advance the idea of fetal homicide and will try to force those with religious objections to commit the heinous sin anyway. She will advance the fabrication of climate change with all of the willingly misled lemmings following along. She will slight the rights of Israel while secretly promoting Palestinian terror.

All the while, she will become wealthy beyond her wildest dreams by carrying out the will of global elitists who hate what America stands for. She will put the final nail in American exceptionalism without the slightest inkling of the carnage she has wrought.

Harris is a diseaseโ€”a functioning infection designed by radicals to carry out another stage of Americaโ€™s demise. Her words and deeds would be toxic to everything rational Americans hold close to their hearts.

President Trump has an amazing track record. His four years were exceptionally productive for ALL AMERICANS despite the constant headwind of hatred from the radical Democratic left.

Suppose the polls showing this election to be close are accurate. In that case, it means that either voter fraud and manipulation are taking place at an unbelievable level, or the American public has lost touch with reality.

If the former is true, the election must be legally disputed without accusations of treason or election denial. If Harris is found to have actually won the election, then America as we know it is totally and completely gone.

One extremely important fact to remember is that Democrats have been in power for 12 of the last 16 years, yet they still blame Trump.

Donโ€™t allow the gaslighting to continue. Weโ€™re better than that.