Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Only Priority in a Kamala Harris Presidency that Matters to the Left

If, somehow, woke leftists can cobble together the votes, real or imagined, to elect Kamala Harris in 2024, understand there will be only one priority in her first term.

From day one, the sole objective of her presidency will be to make all future national elections irrelevant.

Gaslighting on Immigration

Some time ago, Democrats figured out that the majority of people wanting to enter the U.S. were poor and had no marketable skills. They were coming primarily from third-world stench holes run by dictators generally adhering to socialist principles. Some came to America to seek opportunity, but most came for a bigger handout.

This scenario was attractive to Democrats for a variety of reasons. Since the 2000s, a key leftist aspirational goal has been to create a society entirely dependent on government. They convince people of the hopelessness of their situation and encourage them to give up on improving their lives through hard work, creativity, and fortitude. Then, the left creates villains, notably wealthy people and large corporations, and they stoke the embers of hate.

Unfortunately, the effort was not moving forward quickly enough. Too many immigrants discovered the deception and took advantage of all the opportunities capitalism had to offer. The percentage identifying as Democrat dropped with each successive generation. In short, the retention rate wasnโ€™t high enough.

The solution? The Harris administration simply repealed President Trumpโ€™s executive orders, ignored immigration laws and opened the borders. Naturally, millions of illegals accepted the invitation and flooded the nation. Whether they had anything to contribute to America was irrelevant. In fact, the poorer and less literate they were, the more the left welcomed them in.

Remember, there were 10 million illegal alien encounters at the border since Harris came into office. However, that doesnโ€™t include the number of illegals who were never apprehended or the 10 million already residing in the U.S. prior to the Harris siege.

Illegal Alien Distribution

Recently, several sources have verified that the Harris administration has secretly flown 320,000 illegal aliens into the country, but the question is, where are all these people going?

The answer is simple: everywhere. They have been disbursed throughout the country like a plague.

Take a look at the number of illegals in the swing states, and imagine how election outcomes would change if they could vote. Itโ€™s important to note these numbers are from 2019, prior to the Harris illegal immigration explosion.

* Arizona: 275,000 (Trump lost by 10,457 in 2020)

* Georgia: 400,000 (Trump lost by 12,670)

* Michigan 100,000 (Trump lost by 154,188)

* Pennsylvania 170,000 (Trump lost by 81,660)

* Wisconsin 75,000 (Trump lost by 20,582)

So, whatโ€™s the endgame?

Woke Leftists Want to Give Illegal Aliens the Right to Vote

Under the thin guise of โ€œvoter rights,โ€ the left has embarked on a two-prong strategy. First, flood the country with illegals. Based on the numbers were seeing over the past four years, mission accomplished. However, somehow, these people need to be added to the voter rolls in order to achieve the ultimate objective, which is to create a voting supermajority that ensures Democrats win every important national race. Eventually, they want to control all three branches of government in perpetuity.

Think Iโ€™m crazy? Just look at whatโ€™s been uncovered so far.

* In Arizona, the Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, recently revealed that 298,000 registered voters never provided proof of citizenship. After a challenge, the Arizona Supreme Court sided with the Secretary of State and confirmed that the voters swore they were citizens, so ID was unnecessary.

* In Virginia, Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an executive order removing 6,303 โ€œnon-citizensโ€ from the voter rolls.

* In Georgia, 100,000 ineligible people were purged from the voter rolls.

* North Carolina removed 750,000 ineligible voters from the rolls since 2023

* In Texas, 1,140,500 ineligible people were removed from the voting rolls

* In Ohio, 155,000 ineligible people were expunged from the voter rolls

Notice a pattern in those results? With the exception of North Carolina, every state initiating a purge of ineligible voters has a Republican in charge of voter roll maintenance. Could you imagine California purging its voter rolls? Michigan or Illinois?

No way.

And thatโ€™s the plan in a nutshell. Currently, 13 states donโ€™t require proof of citizenship to vote. Another 19 states donโ€™t require a photo ID to register, and many have bizarre eligibility rules, ranging from the recitation of the applicantโ€™s birthday to automatic registration if the election official knows the applicant.

The left prefers a confusing, nonlinear approach to voter registration. It makes it much easier to cheat and much harder to create a uniform method of ensuring the voter rolls are accurate nationally.

While many blue states have erected barriers that virtually guarantee ineligible voters will never be purged, the leftโ€™s goal in the swing states is to get a Democrat in every office that controls the voter rolls, so they can adopt policies of no ID required for registration. They look to create a permanent path of eligibility for disqualified voters.

When youโ€™re voting in November, remember that every other issue on the Harris agenda pales in comparison to gaining control over the voter rolls and adding enough ineligible voters to ensure perpetual victory. Once that objective has been achieved, the caldron of horrible plans the left has in store for you can be unleashed without opposition.

And, like Nicolas Madura and Xi Jinping, theyโ€™ll never have to worry about that pesky election nuisance thing ever again.