Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Thin Skinned “Snowflakes” Complain About A Snowflake “Klandle”

It’s Great to be back, …. well, sort of back. I’m at a local library with internet capabilities, which just reopened after our second hurricane in 13 days. We, however, still do not have it at our place. We did get our power back on Saturday, which is a very good thing because if you are going to deal with insurance companies and finding rental cars that are as rare as hen’s teeth after assisting in the massive cleanup that we were surrounded with, it’s much better to have a place with air conditioning and running water to return to.

So, after being “out of the loop” for a while, I decided to write about another example of the left getting their panties in a wad over something totally innocent. Liberals want Americans to think they are serious, yet at every turn, they instinctively display their negativity and intolerance over anything that offends their delicate sensibilities. In fact, they get offended over non-offensive things that don’t actually exist until they create them within their own mind’s eye.

In 1570, John Foxe wrote “The Book of Martyrs.” Within the pages of that book, he coined the phrase “Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill” to describe a person or group that is overreacting to something. Both the title of his book and the phrase apply perfectly to modern-day liberals who perceive that everything normal or traditional is an insult to them.

In this case, it’s a holiday candle that was being sold by Bath and Body Works. The candle was called and marketed under the name “Snowed In,” an obvious reference to winter. The label included images of the folded paper snowflakes we all made in elementary school. However, liberals who love nothing more than to scream “racist” at every opportunity claim that the snowflakes resembled the hoods worn by the KKK.

Personally, I think they look more like ghosts or aliens. Take a look and judge for yourself, but the point is that KKK hoods never entered my mind, and I’m willing to bet that most intelligent people understand that a candle called “Snowed In” has nothing to do with the Klan.

Still, the “Klandle,” as it is being called by the thin-skinned morons on the left, were fired up enough to get the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center involved. Their involvement was enough to get Bath and Body Works to fold up like a cheap tent, groveling to them by pulling the candle out of circulation and offering an apology.

“At Bath & Body Works, we are committed to listening to our teams and customers and committed to fixing any mistakes we make — even those that are unintentional like this one. We apologize to anyone we’ve offended and are swiftly working to have this item removed and are evaluating our process going forward.”

These ridiculous accusations of racism are derived from small-minded radicals, and every time a large brand concedes to them when nothing is wrong, it encourages their stupidity. Generally, the complaining group is small in number, but they are still allowed to dictate protocol for the majority.

According to Guinness World Records, “White Christmas” has sold over 50 million copies worldwide. When you include over 500 cover versions, the song’s total sales are estimated to be over 100 million. It was the world’s best-selling single when it was listed in the first Guinness Book of Records in 1955, and it still holds that title today.

Yet a candle named “Snowed In,” with a scent described as “Cozy Vanilla,” is removed from the shelves because a few lame-brained fools see KKK hoods instead of sugar plums dancing in their heads.