Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Trump Talks Public Mandate, Laughs with People Talking Hillary

On Friday, Trump ended a week of interesting sound bites by playing a little cat and mouse with rally goers concerning two seemingly different narratives: the Dems’ choice for President and Hillary Clinton. Before I present the video, it is important to note that he discussed what he called “weaves”–where he purposely seems to go off topic with the objective being to force the listener to cull the important points. Here are two recent examples:

It is consistent with some observations I’ve shared before, ones I think can bring great hope to people wondering if Trump really does have the cognitive sharpness to lead. Here is a post from after the last debate:

It is a good thing that Trump forces listeners to think for themselves, unlike the belittling Obama recently who has scorned “the brothas” for their apathy for this election. The saving of America cannot be relegated or trusted to politicians–Trump included.

On top of the more overt than usual “weaves” communication, he said something else consistent with my insistence that the American people take pride and part in their own revolution. I’ve employed the phrase “court of public opinion,” while here Trump uses “mandate”:

“We need, and I hate to use this word because they should have never done it with respect to COVID, they should have never done it, but for this, we need a mandate.”


Trump Conviction Is Giving Him One Thing He Didn’t Have the First Time

Time, alas, is running out for my biggest Christmas wish in a Trump-Clinton rematch, but it is certain that the original villain in this whole story–Hillary Clinton–will be front and center in some way as this process toward public justice gets hotter and hotter. In fact, one could argue that Hillary is the symbol of everything villainous about America, depending how far one goes back into the chapters, including Trump and the fake Russian collusion assaults, including Obama and Benghazi, including Seth Rich and a certain illegal server, including the child exploitation evil, including the Clinton Foundation and events like the 2010 Haiti earthquake, including the end-of-the-1990s New York Senate race, including Watergate–one that admittedly is relatively still foreign to me.

Yes, you and I both could make the argument for Barack Obama being that villain. I indeed have said as much in my work at times. But perhaps the most scintillating, most inspiring domino that could fall first is Hillary Clinton.

The myth is there. The seeding is there. “Killary” and “Lock Her Up!” are catches every American recognizes. It is part of a story the American people need to feel a part of. Like a fan at an LSU-Ole Miss thriller, every single patriot who has ever yelled those words or spoken to themselves at home will feel a part of the victory, of something real and tangible they can finally sink their teeth into, something for which they can rush the field and consider driving all the way to Fayetteville.

Today’s American needs to be caught up and swept away in the story. That is what Trump has understood better than any since day one. That is why people are so forgiving of some of his policies while on the political surface a DeSantis looks or looked far better.

The Featured Video

Below is Trump at a rally on Friday. He is normally not this obvious, but again, he’s shown more signs of it. This is certainly not a “weave,” as it is clearly more direct.

Also notice he does not bring up Hillary himself. He is playful with the partisan crowd, setting them up with a soft toss, and he knows exactly what their response will be when he floats the idea that the Dems may change their batter yet again.

And he laughs, as though he had no idea they would want that.

Indeed it is late in the game for another change of batter, but with scuttlebutt surrounding both Harris and Waltz concerning the children, you never know. I wouldn’t be surprised with any shenanigans between now and November 5 and especially after as well. Either way, it would be a fine Christmas present indeed for Hillary to somehow be front and center in the sights of Trump once again very soon. Moreover, it would be a villain vanquished in this many-chaptered American story, one that would be awfully cathartic to patriots’ confidence in a second Trump administration, one that would boost confidence that any mandate we have might actually reach a ready ear.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.