Friday, March 14, 2025

Unscrupulous Democrats Use Hurricane For Election Interference

Having lived through all of the trials and tribulations of experiencing two Cat 3 Hurricanes in 13 days, I can tell you it’s tough to endure. That said, there are a lot of people who have suffered more and are still suffering horrible conditions.

Under such tragic circumstances, most people would react in a caring and supportive manner. They would do anything possible to honor any requests that those suffering would make. Still, liberals are not most people. They are self-centered, smug, arrogant, and driven solely by their quest for power.

Yes, the destruction caused by Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina has severely impacted homes and families. However, Democrats have continued to block the approval of emergency early voting sites in this predominantly Republican area. As a result, the GOP-led state legislature had to step in to address the situation.

The local elections boards in McDowell and Henderson counties, led by Democrats, have not approved additional early voting sites in the disaster-stricken area despite growing calls for increased access to voting. Both counties voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

“Ensuring that the right to vote is upheld for western North Carolina citizens affected by Hurricane Helene should be a bipartisan issue,” said Clay McCreary, a western North Carolina native and the political director of Restoration of America, an organization advocating for additional voting opportunities in the disaster area. “We simply cannot allow the people of western North Carolina, who have lost so much, to lose their voice in the political process.”

Meanwhile, Democrats in nearby deep-blue Buncombe County, home to Asheville, have already given the go-ahead for new voting locations to replace the ones damaged by Helene, bringing the county’s total to 10.

Destructive events in western North Carolina continue to be severe, and the region has not recovered yet.

Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled General Assembly now find themselves compelled to require the two counties to open more voting locations so that the Democrats in power do not disenfranchise those affected by Helene.

The new law mandates that counties must establish one early voting site for every 30,000 registered voters in the area affected by Helene. These sites must be operational from October 29 to November 3. Henderson is the second largest population center in western North Carolina, following Buncombe County.

Buncombe County currently has one early voting location for every 28,000 residents, while Henderson County has only one location for every 120,000. Usually, Henderson would have three early voting sites. New legislation now mandates that the county open three additional locations, bringing the total to four. Although the Henderson County Board of Elections has approved a second location, it will only be open for two days in late October.

Although Republican state Rep. Jennifer Balkcom, who represents Henderson, said she has heard from both Democrat and Republican constituents in her district who are concerned about the lack of voting sites, I’m not sure I’m buying it. Feeble displays of cooperation without action are one of the things liberal Democrats are known for. They very often show fake concern while sandbagging any genuine efforts to solve the problem.

McDowell has a population of 45,000 and currently has only one voting location. The new legislation will require the county to open at least one additional site. The county elections board initially refused to open a second location after Chet Effler, the chairman of the county Republican Party, requested an early voting site at Old Fort Depot.

“With the Old Fort Depot site closed, it’s now a 13-mile drive to the next voting site, not counting the hindrances people face from the flooding in their area. That may not seem like a long way, but it is when you’ve lost everything, and you’re trying to put your life back together.”

“McDowell Technical Community College officials offered the use of the Universal Advanced Manufacturing Center as a second early voting location,” according to The McDowell News. “But Kay House, a Democratic board member, said that location has not been used before for voting and the disruption of the elections staff could cause problems.” That building, however, will be used as an Election Day precinct, and after the General Assembly passed the legislation forcing the county to add an early voting location, all board members voted to add another location at Old Fort Depot.

The delay in approving new voting locations in the disaster area is puzzling, especially since both the Democrat-run State Board of Elections and the state legislature have streamlined procedures during emergencies. That said, the state board did not respond to a request for comment from The Federalist.

Democrats are jeopardizing people’s access to vote so close to the election, especially in Republican-heavy districts that have been devastated by a natural disaster. This situation supports the belief that state and federal Democrats have been dragging their feet on relief efforts to suppress the Republican vote.

Although sad, this is not uncommon for radical liberals. Don’t be fooled; even though these degenerates are blinded out of their minds with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), they would treat anyone who stood in their way in the same manner. Of course, they do it with more venom because of their hatred for Trump, but even at their lowest stage of hatred, they never forget their agenda for power.

Still, even for them, this is low. These people are devastated; many have lost everything, and some may have even lost a loved one, and instead of helping them up, the Democrats are kicking them when they’re down.

This election is about many things, but at its heart, it is about Right and Wrong and Reality vs. Illusion. However, in its soul, this election is about Good vs. Evil—and that may be understating the truth.