Wednesday, October 23, 2024

When it Comes to Kamala Harris, Show Me the Carfax

If there is one takeaway from the disastrous Brett Baier interview with Kamala Harris last week on Fox News, itโ€™s that the chances of ever seeing another one with a neutral journalist are slim and none, and Slim just left the room.

Wow, what a debacle.

Itโ€™s no surprise that Harris showed up late to the interview or that her handlers were frantically waving at Baier to end it early. The interview was going that badly for her.

In the span of 26 minutes, Harris must have seen her political life flash before her as each one of Baierโ€™s questions was like another knife wound penetrating her thin veneer and exposing the lack of substance underneath.

In their analysis, Washington pundits have tried to understand the reasons why the Harris team agreed to such an interview in hostile territory in the first place. I mean, after all, this is a candidate who has yet to do a formal press conference since the convention. Thatโ€™s 93 days if youโ€™re counting.

Obviously, something in her internal polling is flashing red because there is no way Harris would subject herself to the scrutiny of legitimate questions if she didnโ€™t have to.

Deer in the Headlights

Even without the benefit of getting the questions in advance, as she normally does, the Harris team had to have strong suspicions as to what topics would be raised during the interview. While many were concerned that Baier would go soft, I couldnโ€™t see any way that would happen. Surely, he realized what that would do to his career if he pandered and fawned like the leftist journalists always do.

The most lasting impression I will have of the interview was the strange look that crossed Harrisโ€™s face after each of Baierโ€™s questions. She would pause, and something that appeared like a combination of confusion and fear would cross her face before she launched into a programmed response. It wasnโ€™t as though she hadnโ€™t prepared scripted answers, but something was amiss. It was almost as though in that moment, it suddenly dawned on her just how absurd her answer was going to sound. 

This probably was the reason she had some unusual nervous vocal inflections that raised her voice an octave or so on a couple of occasions.

Filibustering Does not Win Votes

Brett Baier asked 10 questions in what amounted to a half-hour segment. In this election cycle, a day is a month, so in case youโ€™ve forgotten, here are a few of the highlights of the interview. Iโ€™m truncating the exchanges because posting Harrisโ€™s answers in their entirety would fill a volume of an encyclopedia.

Baier: How many illegal immigrants would you estimate your administration has released into the country over the last three-and-a-half years?

Harris: The point is that we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired.

Baier: During that time, you said repeatedly that the border was secure. When in your mind did it start becoming a crisis?

Harris: I think weโ€™ve had a broken immigration system transcending, by the way, Donald Trumpโ€™s administration, even before. Letโ€™s all be honest about that. I have no pride in saying that this is a perfect immigration system. Iโ€™ve been clear, I think we all are, that it needs to be fixed.

Baier: There were 90 plus executive orders that were rescinded in the first days. Many of those were Trump border policies. Iโ€™m not going to stay here because thereโ€™s other things to talk about, but you frequently talked to the Border Patrol Union for support of that bipartisan bill and they did. They supported it, but they also just endorsed Donald Trump and said youโ€™ve been โ€œa failure with border security.โ€ Why do you think they said that?

Harris: I think theyโ€™re frustrated and I get it. They want support. They want support, and thatโ€™s what that border security bill wouldโ€™ve done. These guys down at the border, these men and women, theyโ€™re working hard. Theyโ€™re working around the clock. I get it.

Baier: When it comes to immigration, you supported allowing immigrants in the country illegally to apply for driverโ€™s license, to qualify for free tuition at universities, to be enrolled in free healthcare. Do you still support those things?

Harris: Listen, that was five years ago and Iโ€™m very clear that I will follow the law. I have made that statement over and over again and as vice president of the United States, thatโ€™s exactly what Iโ€™ve done, not to mention before.

Baier: (Do you support) decriminalizing border crossings, like you said in 2019?

Harris: I do not believe in decriminalizing border crossings and Iโ€™ve not done that as vice president. I will not do that as president.

Baier: Are you still in support of using taxpayer dollars to help prison inmates or detained illegal aliens to transition to another gender?

Harris: I will follow the law and itโ€™s a law that Donald Trump actually followed.

Baier: Why do you think more people say they trust him (Trump) on the economy than they trust you?

Harris: I think that when you look at an analysis of our plans for what we would do as President of the United States, it has been clear to those who study and understand how economic policy works that moving forward, because I do believe the American people are ready to turn the page on the divisiveness and the type of rhetoric that has come out of Donald Trump, people are ready to chart a new way forward and they want a president who has a plan for the future and a plan that is sound and will strengthen our country.

Baier: Weโ€™ve heard a lot about those plans in recent days. Your campaign slogan is a new way forward, and itโ€™s time to turn the page. Youโ€™ve been vice president for three and a half years, so what are you turning the page from?

Harris: Well, first of all, turning the page from the last decade in which we have been burdened with the kind of rhetoric coming from Donald Trump that has been designed and implemented to divide our country and have Americans literally point fingers at each other.

Baier: You told many interviewers that Joe Biden was on his game, that (he) ran around circles on his staff. When did you first notice that President Bidenโ€™s mental faculties appeared diminished?

Harris: Joe Biden, I have watched in from the Oval Office to the situation room, and he has the judgment and experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf of the American people.

Harris Always Seems Like Sheโ€™s Hiding Something

Wow. Thatโ€™s a lot of words, but what did Harris really say?

When you look at those exchanges, and the interview in its entirety, there is a glaring observation related to Harrisโ€™s presentation that screams out for attention.

Most importantly, weโ€™re less than two weeks out from the election, and we still have no idea what this candidate has in store for America should she be elected. There is an uneasy feeling among many that she is hiding her true intentions. There is too much historical video footage of her giddily supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, railing against fossil fuel and bragging about her support for the most radical woke causes to believe she had an epiphany over the last 6 months.

Like many of you, I have followed this election closely, and I still donโ€™t know if Harris wants to shove EVs down our throats, ban gas stoves, ban gas vehicles, ban central air conditioning, give amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens or allow doctors to mutilate young children in the name of gender equity. She says sheโ€™s now against all those things, but you get the sense that all of that woke nonsense is just off stage left, packaged and ready to be rolled out the second she gets elected.

Iโ€™m suspicious of the sudden disappearance of the traditional radical leftist groups that should be outraged over Harris’s claim she supports fracking and oil production and opposes decriminalizing border crossings.

Her purposeful lack of clarity only creates more uncertainty with the questions she hasnโ€™t answered. You can say what you want about Donald Trump, but when he says he plans to โ€œdrill baby, drill,โ€ you can count on the fact that he means it. The same holds true for his pledge to slap China with tariffs, end the Ukraine war, and end boys playing girls’ sports.

However, with Harris, her answers only add to the intrigue. When asked about reparations, she replies that she views the country with โ€œclear eyes.โ€


What is her position on Critical Race Theory being taught in schools? Does she support transgender surgery for minors without parental consent? How will she address the budget deficit? How will she end the Ukraine war?

And on and onโ€ฆ

When Kamala Harris is called a DEI hire and an empty pantsuit, this is why. She purposely obfuscates her record and positions on the issues she actually will discuss while avoiding controversial topics she would prefer not to address. This has left many Americans with an impression of Harris as a pliable changeling, either with no core beliefs, or foundational beliefs so unappealing, she will do everything in her power to avoid them.

Trump is Going to Win for One Simple Reason

The Baier interview was revealing in many ways, but none more poignant than the realization that through 3 ยฝ years as vice president, and six months as the candidate for president, the media has done everything in its power to comply with Harrisโ€™s wish to remain ambiguous. That is why her pauses and blank stares in the face of obvious questions from Baier that should have been asked months ago are so appalling.

Donald Trump is going to win this election for one simple reason: He is an open book, and America knows exactly what it is getting. On the other hand, Kamala Harris is like that shiny late model convertible you fell in love with on โ€œBig Alโ€™sโ€ used car lot. You got a hell of a deal, but six months after you bought it, youโ€™re kicking yourself because Al didnโ€™t tell you the car had been in a flood, and now, the electrical system needs to be replaced.

If youโ€™re considering voting for Kamal Harris, I suggest you ask the Democratic party to show you the Carfax before you make a decision youโ€™ll live to regret.