Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Adventures in Clown World: November 2024 edition

This past month was definitely an interesting one here in Clown World. With Donald Trump’s resounding victory in the 2024 US presidential election, we are consequently in the waning months of the Biden administration. Even with less than two months until the start of the second Trump presidency, our current globalist/”America Last” Regime is still providing us with many “clown world” type moments during this transition period.

# 1 The Biden Regime nearly provoking WW3 with Russia?

Less than two weeks after the US Presidential election, the Biden administration’s foreign policy is the “gift that keeps on giving”. Earlier this month, the Biden administration decided to provide long-range missiles to the corrupt regime in Ukraine. In return, the Ukraine escalated its conflict with Russia by using American missiles to attack Russia soil.

America is on the brink of WW3 over this proxy war in Eastern Europe, and the Biden administration thought it was a good idea to send missiles that could be used to directly Russian land. This instance is just another example of the “Clown World” foreign policy our nation has endured under four years of the Biden admin.

#2 Kamala Harris allegedly DRUNK during first post-election video address

Last Tuesday, VP Kamala Harris and her team released Harris’s first public video address following her concession speech for the 2024 US presidential election.

In the recorded call to the Grassroots activist from the failed Harris-Walz campaign, Harris spoke in slurred manner–prompting many people to think that Kamala Harris was intoxicated.

Only in “Clown world” would the Vice President of a country appear drunk in a recorded speech–to the embarrassment of the entire nation.

I shared the video in question below if you want to see Harris’s slurred speech:

#3 American Celebrities planning to leave USA over Trump victory

To close today’s post, I wanted to share another ridiculous story from American pop culture. Similar to 2016, many major American celebrities were in complete revolt after Donald Trump won the 2024 US presidential election. In fact, several celebrities have already committed to leaving the USA and living abroad due to Trump’s victory.

As true patriots, we all should say good riddance to these fair-weathered Americans.