Friday, March 14, 2025

As MSNBC Circles The Drain Tone Deaf Jen Rubin Demonstrates Why

I wrote a column last week titled “Mourning Joe” about Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski’s decision to visit Trump just ten days after calling him Hitler. They claimed that the visit was an attempt to reopen communication since he was elected. I was skeptical then, and I still am, but MSNBC is in deep financial trouble, and the reality is beginning to sink in that business cannot go on as usual.

With shows like Morning Joe & the nauseating Joy Reid constantly lying and bashing everything about Trump and conservatives in general, the nation has grown weary of the left’s insufferable rhetoric.

Speaking of insufferable, there is Jen Rubin. Rubin was a conservative political commentator for most of her career. However, in September 2020, she publicly announced that she no longer identified as a conservative after becoming a vocal critic of President Donald Trump. By 2021, she had become a staunch advocate for the Biden administration. Staunch is an understatement. Rubin has a deep-seated case of TDS. Staunchly fanatical is probably a better description. Still, you have to wonder how someone who had conservative values could despise Trump to that extent and embrace the obvious anti-American incompetence of Biden-Harris.

As an MSNBC contributor, Jennifer Rubin launched a surprising critique against her own network and her “Morning Joe” colleagues, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, during her Friday podcast. She openly criticized her employer’s business model and intensified her attacks on Scarborough and Brzezinski for disclosing their meeting with President-elect Donald Trump.

On that episode of “Jen Rubin’s Green Room,” Rubin accused Scarborough and Brzezinski of forgetting that their audience despises Trump, stating that viewers wanted them to hold the line against Trump rather than engaging with the incoming president.

“What were they thinking? Who do they think their audience was? Well, perhaps this wasn’t about their audience. Perhaps this was them trying to defend themselves or avoid retribution that they thought was coming their way. But really, these are rich, famous people. What have they got to worry about? It was just an appalling example of how eager so many elites are to fall in line, to curry favor, to deflect attention, to deflect any kind of incoming criticism that might come their way from the White House.”

“So, they are getting hammered for it. They are hemorrhaging their audience. And this, of course, only exacerbates the reason and the problem why MSNBC and its other cable networks are being spun off. And that is, cable television is dying. Most of you probably haven’t watched MSNBC since the election either, and not understanding your audience and continuing to serve up the same chewed-over talking points with the same panels, essentially same program day, after day, after day, hour after hour, is no longer working. So Comcast has said, ‘Fine, spin you off. You guys go fend for yourselves. And the question after the spin-off is completed will be whether that’s a viable business model. Can they afford to pay Rachel Maddow, God bless her, 20 plus million dollars a year? Is there advertising to support that? Are there cable fees to support that? We don’t know. We don’t know if MSNBC, a year from now, is gonna exist, or whether it’s gonna be in some slim down fashion.”

Rubin, who fancies herself as an authority, had these suggestions for the network.

“Get rid of the pattern of chewing over the same three or four stories all day long with a shuffling of panelists all parroting back the same line to the host; this is not working. It’s boring. It’s not good TV. They need to do something else, and they should look to models that are successful. They should look to people like The Onion. Hey, they’ve purchased Info Wars. I can’t wait to watch what they’re gonna program. They should look to shows that, yes, are perhaps lighter on the news, but actually have much more information than they do.

Rubin is dead wrong about trying to appease the Morning Joe audience that hates Donald Trump. If Rubin didn’t get the memo on election night, that audience has already diminished and continues to shrink. “Holding the line” against Trump is futile, and so is pushing far-left ideologies 24 hours a day while tearing down all conservative values.

She is correct about constantly regurgitating the same story. Every leftist channel does the same thing. You can flip from one channel to the other and watch the same lies being told almost word for word from the same script. They do need to change the storylines more frequently, but even if they change them, not everything can be hatred directed toward conservatives.

The left has created a vast chasm in society, and continuing to spew hatred and denying the truth will not bridge that divide. Conservatives have over-tolerated the left’s insanity for long enough, it’s time for the left to make a lot of concessions, and it’s the duty of the right to make damn sure they do.