Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Does Anyone Still Doubt the 2020 Election was Rigged?

After nearly a month, almost all the votes are in, and we finally have a reasonably accurate tally of the votes cast in the 2024 presidential election.

Trump: 76,977,501

Harris: 74,479,674

Contrast these totals to the 2020 election between Trump and Joe Biden.

Trump: 74,223,251

Biden: 81,281,888

There were approximately five million fewer votes cast in 2024 compared to 2020.


Itโ€™s difficult to put the two elections completely in context because there are no current figures for the number of registered voters in 2024. The U.S. Census identified 168 million registered voters in 2020, and you would have to assume that number increased in 2024, because historically, registered voter totals have always gone up in every presidential election. Since 2008, they have risen anywhere from 2-7%.

So, letโ€™s look at registered voter turnout in recent elections.






Are you beginning to see the problem?

Why would registered voter turnout in 2020 have spiked about 7% over the average of the other four elections from 2008 forward?

Bear in mind, the 2008 election centered around the Savior, Barack Obama, who could only muster 69.5 million votes and inspire a turnout of 89%. Thatโ€™s almost 4% worse than the Biden/Trump election. Itโ€™s also worth noting that in 2008, the country was in the grips of the worst recession since the Great Depression. People were very motivated to vote.

In other words, in the context of the entire history of presidential elections, Joe Biden was the most popular U.S. president of all time.

Uh huhโ€ฆ

Two Theories to Explain the Vote Discrepancy.

So, how can the discrepancy of five million votes between 2020 and 2024 be explained in a way that makes sense? There are two prevailing theories.

Theory One: Voter Suppression:

For leftists, the primary cause of the lower turnout from Democrats was an extensive voter suppression effort by MAGA extremists and complicit Republican politicians. They point out that nearly a third of the sitting members of Congress publicly expressed reservations over the veracity of the 2020 election. Some went further and supported legal challenges to the outcome. The left claims these people were out to make sure that wouldnโ€™t happen again.

Legitimate concerns over the integrity of the 2020 election led to a number of different measures in various states that according to leftist political pundits, led to voter suppression in 2024.

Restrictive voting laws: Georgia, Arizona, Florida and Iowa, among others, took steps to eliminate voter fraud by reducing unmonitored access to drop boxes, adopting more stringent measures for mail in ballots and tightening ballot deadlines. In all, a total of 881 laws were introduced in state legislatures designed to ensure only eligible citizens would be allowed to vote. Some states like Nebraska require a copy of a photo ID with the ballot if the voter doesnโ€™t have a driverโ€™s license or a state ID. The left views these measures as oppressive and purposely burdensome.

Voter Challenge Laws: Leftists claim that laws allowing individuals and third party organization to challenge the validity of a voterโ€™s registration status are discriminatory and designed to suppress minority voters. A new tool called EagleAI NETwork was used in several states to identify inaccuracies in poorly maintained voter rolls. The system was adopted to replace the antiquated and inaccurate Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which is administered by left-leaning partisans who claim they are neutral. Leftists call the new system an attack on elections, although they fail to explain how verification of voter status leads to suppression.

Poll Worker Intimidation: With nothing but anecdotal evidence and a few isolated examples, leftists claim their election workers were subject to threats and intimidation. Apparently, these threats drove Democrat election workers away, thus allowing Republican poll workers to engage in nefarious activities.

Theory Two: The 2020 Election was Rigged

The evidence of election rigging in 2020 is compelling, despite the leftโ€™s media propaganda arm relentlessly brain washing the public in an attempt to stifle dissent and discussion. Consider the following:

A peer reviewed study by Public Choice found evidence of 255,000 excess votes in the swing states.

Economist John Lottโ€™s peer-reviewed study identified statistical anomalies in counties where voter fraud was alleged.

The Halderman Report detailed numerous vulnerabilities in the voting and tabulating equipment used nationwide.

When combined with other mischief, such as individuals stuffing drop boxes with ballots, incidents of ballots counted after the official deadline, ballots counted in secret, data dumps, ballot counting halted in the middle of the night and various other questionable practices, no rational person could be certain the 2020 election was secure, fair and honest.

You Decide

For me, this is the last chapter in the 2020 election nightmare. Iโ€™m moving on and leaving that debacle in the rear-view mirror once and for all. Some might argue that since Donald Trump won in 2024, everything worked out for the best in the end anyway, and the Lord was watching over us.

Maybe theyโ€™re right.

However, the inconvenient reality remains that there were about seven million less Democrat votes cast in 2024 compared to 2020, and even if two million shifted to Trump, that leaves five million voters unaccounted for. 

Was it because of voter suppression or a rigged election?

You decide.