Friday, March 14, 2025

It’s Trashy As Hell That Kamala Hasn’t Conceded Yet

The latest word was that she would make a speech – whether it’s a concession speech or something else – at 3 p.m. central time today.

But Kamala Harris should have done it last night.

Before midnight central time it was clear she’d lost the election. Pennsylvania had been called for Donald Trump by several news organizations, and there was no question that Alaska was going to be his and push him to 270 electoral votes.

The whole country waited for a conclusion to the election. Trump’s party waited for a concession so that he could give a victory speech.

Instead, she sent Cedric Richmond out for a familiar, humiliating reprise of John Podesta’s party-pooping from 2016.

And in doing so, Harris made herself perfectly fit the mold of Hillary Clinton – the uncharismatic, dismal, unqualified (for reasons of incompetence, in Harris’ case; Clinton’s disqualifying factor was the mountain of sleaze and corruption she amassed as Secretary of State and in her subsequent career as a non-profit grifter) and ultimately classless female Democrat nominee who lacked the decency to concede defeat when everyone knew she’d earned it.

The American people deserve better.

Harris’ “concession” speech, such as it is, will fall as flat as her campaign. She lacks even the eloquence of Clinton, which was an awfully low bar. And if it’s some sort of fight song rather than an attempt at a gracious valediction, let’s hope the damage that does to the Democrat Party – and there will be damage, because last night it became very obvious the American people have had it with screechy, unprincipled, say-anything-to-get-elected leftist politicians, and if Harris decides to go out that way after trying to paint Trump as Hitler for the final month of the campaign, it will not go over well – lasts long enough to give Trump and the Republicans time and space to restore the America that existed before Barack Obama and his machine came along to trash it.

She stood by as Joe Biden called Trump’s supporters garbage, and she said lots of similarly ugly things. But now it’s pretty clear who’s trash. Kamala proved that last night.