Thursday, March 06, 2025

Make America Safe for Democracy, Vote Trump

What is democracy?

It’s far more than the act of voting. 

Even the worst totalitarian regimes engage in that (albeit perfunctory) exercise. There are pictures and film of Joseph Stalin dutifully dropping his ballot into a box. Voting was compulsory in order to give dictatorships a veneer of legitimacy to themselves and the outside world.

Freedom of speech, rule of law and the equal application thereof, protection from violence, freedom from harassment by the state, secure balloting to ensure that the results are not spoiled, and a fair, transparent counting of ballots and timely reporting of votes are essential elements of a democracy. 

Without the above you have Venezuela; a faux democracy.

To witness what Donald Trump has been subjected to by kangaroo courts, a rigged media, corrupt Democratic-run counties engaged in lawfare and thumbing of election rules, and aspiring assassins the America of today no longer meets the threshold of a truly democratic country as it slides towards towards a DDR model or Beijing-esque managed society. 

That so many Americans see nothing wrong with ANY (and yes I’m sad to say ANY) of the cited belligerent practices portends very hard times ahead for the sustainability of the full democratic process.

Back when the ACLU comprised of “honest liberals” as opposed to devolving into their current identity of a “rent a leftist” shell of their former selves, the legal group represented the worst amongst us to ensure that liberty was protected for and enjoyed by everyone.

Too many of our countrymen are stuck on the person and have forgotten the principle (the voices of shills and grifters don’t count- they are fully aware of what theyre doing and have likely drawn up invoices for their expressions of self-righteous indignation). 

What happens to Trump, a former President, could happen to the rest of us but even more severely as 99.9% of Americans don’t have his level of personal and readily accessible resources.

The establishment media have soaked themselves with their yellow journalism throughout all of the campaign. 

In the Soviet bloc the people thirsting for freedom had to contend with a state media monopoly; in today’s America we are bombarded by an omnipresent statist media, multiple channels of the same exact spin.

When Joe Biden was humiliated in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, he got his pound of flesh having his party end their status as lead off contests. 

When Biden self-immolated in a curiously early scheduled debate Kamala Harris was essentially handed the party nomination without a vote of the public, a reversion to the old cigar smoke filled rooms of a less egalitarian era of American politics.

Does that sound very small d democratic?

Our trust in this administration has been abused from start to end. We still don’t know the actual health or mental competence of who is supposed to be the most public figure on the planet.

The Democratic Party deserves to lose this election and America deserves to be competently administered and led.

This isn’t about Trump v Harris but Freedom v Statism.

Vote accordingly for democracy and not the Democrats.