Friday, March 14, 2025

“Mourning” Joe

It took precisely ten days for Donald Trump to transform from Adolph Hitler to Mr. President in the hypocritical eyes of the weekday morning conservative chop shop known as Morning Joe.

The hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are rabid Trump haters. Ever since Trump made his historic descent down that escalator, they have lied and demeaned him at every turn. During his presidency, they rode his policies and reputation like a rented mule, whipping up controversy even when there was no controversy.

The day after the election, Scarborough immediately became more conciliatory. This bodes the question: if Scarborough could so clearly see the reason for the Democratic demise the morning after the election, why was he still spewing hatred and misinformation just hours earlier?

The answer is really not a mystery. Scarborough and every other leftwing talking head lied to the American public right up to the last minute of the election. Then, after Trump slammed them back into reality, Scarborough suddenly had an epiphany.

“I’ve got to say, this is the biggest red wave I’ve seen since Ronald Reagan’s 49-state victory in 1984. It seems every Republican across the country improved.”

“America, first of all, is far more to the Right than any time in our lifetimes. Even going back to the Reagan years, and Donald Trump won in dominating fashion. But he did that along with other Republican candidates in the Senate races and the House races. They’re likely to dominate all branches of government for the next several years. The scope and scale of this victory is sweeping. This is a Democratic party that has been just wiped out this morning.”

So, the pair had self-induced amnesia for four years and then developed sudden clarity the morning after the election. Their vision was so clear that they met with Trump at Mar-a Lago this past Friday, just ten days after the election.

The way they explained this epiphany was as shaky as a house of cards. Claiming the meeting was cordial and necessary to begin mending fences they added this.

“Don’t be mistaken; We’re not here to defend or normalize Donald Trump. We’re here to report on him and to hopefully provide you insights that are going to better equip all of us in understanding these deeply unsettling times.”

Right, you only have the American public’s best interest at heart. That’s why you lied to them about the damage being done by the open borders, Increasing crime, out-of-control inflation, bogus job numbers, the rapid decline of Biden’s faculties, and the total incompetence of Harris, to name a few.

That’s also why you called Trump Hitler and his followers everything from fascists to racists and accused them of being transphobic if they disagreed with the left’s denial of science.

The real reason you and all of the other leftist puppet shows are tucking their tails between their legs is because, since the election, your ratings have spiraled downward out of control.

In the days after the election, the network’s total day ratings fell to 808,000, with 90,000 in the coveted 25-to-54-year-old demo, according to Nielsen.

These numbers represent an average from last Wednesday to Friday. This indicates a 54 percent decrease in the network’s viewership average for the month of October, which was 1.765 million viewers. Additionally, there is a 51 percent decrease in the network’s year-to-date average for 2024, currently standing at 1.655 million viewers.

On Friday, MSNBC recorded 636,000 viewers and 61,000 in its target demographic, making it the network’s lowest-rated non-holiday night of the year.

Calling Trump and his supporters names and ignoring what Americans consider important was fun for the left because they consider the average American to be lazy and stupid. The fact that the election stunned them says a lot about how they feel about the country and those who live here.

Scarborough and Brzezinski are not journalists. Their show, like The View and other leftist shout boxes, need to be eliminated. There are no conservative shows like them where there is a non-stop barrage of criticism against the left.

“Mourning” Joe may claim to be suddenly open to conservative viewpoints, but personally, I’m not buying it. My guess is they will still criticize every Trump administration move, and before long, the gloves will come off, and the non-stop heavy bashing will start again.

That is until the network wakes up and realizes that fanning the flames of hatred does not raise ratings. Nice try, Joe.

Now, hit the road.