Thursday, March 06, 2025

Revisiting the Emphasis Placed on the Tucker-Putin Interview in February

There are topics I risk writing about because I know they are taboo. Vladimir Putin and Russia is certainly one of those topics, and I respect some readers’ hesitancy with trusting Russia because they lived their entire lives under the burden of the Cold War.

My hesitancy is a product of their hesitancy.

But it is important that we ramp up the pace on discussion of these topics now that Trump and everything that name means is back as public Commander-in-Chief. And to do that, we must first press reset and consider the following facts:

  1. The RVIVR reader base is overwhelmingly pro-Trump vs the globalist elites seeking a one-world government.
  2. Vladimir Putin is anti-one-world government.
  3. The Trump vision for America is not the vision for America held by the Harrises, Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, and Cheneys of the world.
  4. Vladimir Putin does not hold the same vision for the world as the Harrises, Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, and Cheneys of the world.

Read that again if you must and guess where I’ve gone and am going with this.

Putin, for whatever his past may be, opposes the same forces you and I oppose. That includes all of the socially immoral degeneracy currently destroying our country. That includes the Satanism of the West he has openly warned about. And after nearly three years, there is no indication that he will move to “take over Europe” as the fear mongerers were swearing and are sometimes still swearing like the flailing final punches of a defeated fighter, just as a pretext for robbing more and more of our money to send to Ukraine. This April article is not only a stand-alone, but also a catalogue of all of my work on Ukraine:

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Provides the Latest Hook on US-Ukrainian Biolabs

As I illustrated in a 2022 article for RVIVR and re-run on The Hayride on February 9, Trump and Putin seem to be engaged in a staged separation at times in order to create distance for what appears to be a multi-pronged attack to dismantle the plans of the New World Order globalists.

Here is a photo link to the aforementioned work on Putin in Russia, with the Tucker Carlson interview as the context:

More recently I posted this:

Anyone who didn’t see the troll or hear it from the derisive laughter in the crowd or Putin’s own wry grin, who took Putin’s words literally as an endorsement of Harris, didn’t hear what he said about Trump to Tucker, didn’t hear what he said about the despicableness of Western values, had not had the opportunity to see what would eventually happen two days after the election.

Here is what Putin had to say in support of Trump and the end of the war in Ukraine last month (0:19):

And below is a little screenshot collection to scroll through once I provide my final thoughts. I leave you with something personal I’ve never shared with readers concerning my interest in Russia: at an early age my mother taught me the story of Fatima in 1917 and how integral Russia would be in the coming decades. It started out as an innocent childlike joy of mine to trustingly ask God that, if Russia was going to be a part of the problem, that they would eventually come around to being a part of the solution too. So my work on Russia is not just political; it is steeped in private Catholic revelation approved by the Church and the eternal optimism of a curly haired little kid.

I don’t think the new world order Putin speaks of here is the infamous and frightening New World Order of the globalists. He says as much in his words, that the new order will be multifaceted and cooperative. Still, my prayers are that this is not just a final twist on a global deception.

It seems to me that we are being shown that the enemies we always thought were enemies were only enemies because the government and media told us they were. Here are the shots; I invite you to think about what I’ve been working on for so long now, even though I know none of this is easy. And I also know that I’m not necessarily right, even though I think all of it is valid enough to at least consider.

“The moment of truth is coming. The previous world order is irreversibly becoming a thing of the past. One can say it has become a thing of the past and the shaping of the new world order has become the scene of uncompromising fight. Uncompromising, first and foremost, for the reason that it’s not even the battle for power or geopolitical influence. It’s a clash of the very principals that would be the foundation between the relations of the countries at the next historical stage. Its outcome will define whether all of us, jointly, can build a world that would allow everyone to develop and to solve the outstanding contradictions based on mutual respect of cultures and civilization without coercion and use of force.”

The ball is in Trump’s court again, just like Putin once said it was.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.