Monday, March 31, 2025

The Commander-in-Chief, a US State Governor, and the Call to Chivalry Camp for Young Boys

โ€œThe Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp was a very thrilling and inspiring adventure. It opened my eyes to see the world not as it is, but as it could be. It brings the chivalry out of every young man and the enthusiasm that the Crusaders had to fight for the truth with the help of Our Blessed Mother. God bless the TFP and I hope to be able to attend the next camp!โ€

TFP means Tradition โ€“ Family โ€“ Property, something Commander-in-Chief Trump was just signaling over the weekend.

I have extended a similar challenge, (in so many words!), to Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry back in January:

Coach us, teach us through the darkness. Get creative with your vision. Go to places that politicians usually donโ€™t go.

Amidst the political jargon, sneak in a reminder about the importance of Sunday rest and church. Make a comment here and there about how destructive year-round sports are becoming, particularly when Sundays and weekends in general are saturated with them and families are fractured every which way trying to get kids to ballgames. Sneak in a request for parents to lean on and worship God on this greatest day of the week, to maybe even consider a true day of rest in honor of our Creator. It doesnโ€™t have to be intrusive, arrogant. Doesnโ€™t even have to be a dedicated speech. Just subtle. Maybe you even tell us what your family will be doing on some Sundays to honor that day.

Will you piss off some people, some conservatives? Of course you will. Iโ€™m sure I just did myself. But thatโ€™s the point. We have to move beyond conservatism to save this state and this country. What exactly are we conserving when families canโ€™t even stay home for a Sunday meal together anymore? Is that what weโ€™re holding to as traditional values?

We shouldnโ€™t want to conserve anything that even hints at Leftist culture, and thatโ€™s exactly what some of our habits and some of our culture is doing, if we really sit down and think about it. We canโ€™t rail at the Satanists or the sick transgenders indoctrinating our kids if we canโ€™t even sacrifice one day a week for God.

Iโ€™m not trying to be harsh, reader. Iโ€™m trying to stir up in Governor Landry a cause that will actually mean something.

So please, you want to speak to that whisper that keeps calling Louisianans back home? It sounded great in your speech. Now letโ€™s make it real. Why not keep them here in the first place? Amidst the economics jargon, amidst the talk of jobs and rates and salaries, sneak in the notion of how much you love your wife and your family. Encourage husbands to love their wives, for wives to love their husbands, for married couples to be open again to raising larger families that actually want to stay in Louisiana, because simple logic says that bigger families just means โ€œhomeโ€ more. It becomes a colony that you want to grow in the here and now and even into the next generation. I havenโ€™t heard a governor challenging the citizens of this state to make the homeโ€“the actual house on 628 Mary St or wherever we liveโ€“into the primary nuclear society that in turn grows out into the communal one. Society as we think of it fails because the society at home fails. I havenโ€™t heard a single governor address the fact that until the mini-societies of our homes are changed, nothing on the larger level will ever be authentic. It doesnโ€™t matter if we separate boys and girls bathrooms if divorce continues to skyrocket and birth rates inside the two-parent family structure continue to decline.

There is a reason one of the primary strongholds of the Deep State maniacs is to tear apart the nuclear family. And we play right into their hands with so much of what we do.

Husbands, love your wives. Wives, love your husbands. You can even make a little wink-wink joke out of it. Theyโ€™ll be using you and your leadership as an excuse to go to the bedroom instead of to their phones.

I donโ€™t mean to be crude, reader. We are all adults here. Itโ€™s true. Couples need to love each other the right way more. We need to bring and love more children into the world. Be fruitful and multiply, says the Lord.

These issues must be addressed by our leaders beyond the strictly โ€œpolitical,โ€ and unless Iโ€™m mistaken, it seems Trump is reverse-grooming us toward something like it. Immaterial of Trumpโ€™s ultimate motive, it is up to us to take the signal in the noise and maneuver it in the direction of wholesomeness, or tradition, family, and property. Let the 4B movement do its thing. And we’ll do ours.

Maybe Governor Landry will bear some tiger stripes and follow in Trumpโ€™s lead. The opportunity to do so is much more open now that Trump is on the move.

(From >>>

Thanks to your prayers, our Catholic Chivalry summer camps were a BIG success. But the shocking ravages of pride month moved me to help more boys practice virtue and reject vice.

As I was meditating on this morning, Scripture tells us: โ€œโ€ฆhe who causeth a sinner to be converted from the error of his way, shall save his soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sinsโ€ (James 5:19-20).

That is why I am coordinating a fall camp in Arkansas and it is rapidly approaching. This camp will help empower young men to embrace their God-given call to a life of virtue and grace.

However, I have received a number of requests from parents who need help getting their boys to this camp. They know this camp will be good for their sons, but for some families, the $350 camp fee is just too much.

Do you think you can help them out?

Click here to see how you can help boys like Caleb

Caleb is a promising young man who comes from a good Catholic family!

He is excited to come, and his family wants him to grow up without falling into sin, which has become commonplace among our youth.

Caleb wrote:

โ€œThe Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp was a very thrilling and inspiring adventure. It opened my eyes to see the world not as it is, but as it could be. It brings the chivalry out of every young man and the enthusiasm that the Crusaders had to fight for the truth with the help of Our Blessed Mother. God bless the TFP and I hope to be able to attend the next camp!โ€

Right now, I have 25 boys signed up for camp.

Every year, the boys learn a lot about the Catholic Faith and how to persevere in these immoral times.

At the camps, the boys learn about:

  • The rosary, why it is important and how to pray it,
  • Great saints and other Catholic role-models,
  • How to become a faithful Catholic man,
  • How to build strong friendships with other faithful boys.

We try to focus on these points because we know they will help these boys grow into faithful Catholic men.

Unfortunately, our budget is very tight. The camp fee we charge isnโ€™t high enough to cover all of our expenses. Every year, we have to:

  • Send a van of volunteers from Pennsylvania.
  • Send a van of volunteers from Texas.
  • Rent a facility large enough for 40+ people.
  • Provide enough food for 25 hungry boys
  • Purchaseย equipment and rent tents.

However, we donโ€™t want to raise the price of our admission fee, because that might keep some families away. That would be a shame, especially considering the amount of good these camps do for the boys.

Thatโ€™s why these camps depend on generous donors. Without their help, Iโ€™d have to cancel these programs. With that being said, can you help us make this Arkansas camp happen?

Click here to help sponsor Caleb and others!

The future of America lies in the hands of our youth. Thatโ€™s why the liberals target them with drag queen story time and after-school Satan clubs. They want the souls of our children to go into the gutter.

This is my motivation behind organizing these camps, even though we lose money running them year after year. But, thanks to generous donors, we are able to continue these camps while spending more than what we charge for admission.

However, there is a fine line we cannot afford to cross. Thatโ€™s why I canโ€™t afford to sponsor everyone, and I would hate to say no to boys like Caleb because we canโ€™t afford to have them.

The fall camp starts on November 18th, so if you are able, please click here to help sponsor Caleb and others.

The boys and I will be praying for you!

I remain your friend,

In Jesus and Mary,

Michael Gorre

Project Manager,

America Needs Fatima